Saturday the 18th
Spring can’t be far behind when we go from minus temperatures to 35 degrees today.
I think the patio porch kitties could smell some warmth in the air. When Dennis went out at six this morning, all three bounded out the slider door to the east. They may not have stayed out long, but after days being cooped up in the patio porch, they needed to check out the deer tracks and skat, the rabbit poop and where a squirrel had traveled. It was then nap time.
Today was the first time we passed on a great grands birthday party in Mankato. Charlee B’s mom is in the guards and there are a lot of kids invited for this 5th birthday party. We will stop in another time when we are in town.
After the first floor got tidied and a load of laundry was in the works, I headed to the studio. Saturday’s AM KNUJ radio has sports items on. I went to FM Minnesota’s 100 for country music.
The stashes were visited this last week and I have three combinations piled together. There will be one with predominate green, one in burgundy and one in blue. I am sticking with the log cabin pattern. Dennis offered to cut fabric. What could I say! I chose the green batch. With a brand new blade in the rotary cutter . . . why not? My job was to line up for 2.5″ cuts. Dennis cut two layers each time and with his strength plus the new blade, it didn’t take long he had 7 yards of 8 different colors cut in 2.5″ strips. No mis-cuts in the bunch.
I know that “jelly rolls” are very popular with quilters. A variety of coordinating colors and prints rolled up cut in 2.5″ strips. I do not know how many yards are included, but according to the price, I would hope a reasonable amount.
I will be hiring Dennis again. Even with a new blade, pressure is needed for clean cuts.
Today Dennis’ grandson AJ was in town from Mankato. AJ has done a lot for Dennis to hook up his television so he can watch channels from the Godahl tower, via putting up an antenna on the east side of the patio porch. He configured good reception via a booster plugged in on one of the outlets in the kitchen. Dennis has a Samsung Smart television that I had in the studio at the time we were getting cable television from Mediacom. Dennis also has Hulu and YouTube choices. AJ also configured the Samsung television in the living room with the same options. We really appreciated all of AJ’s understanding of getting this set up for us. The savings in ditching cable television every month was astounding.
What I had AJ do was to bring me his Harley t-shirts he has been saving. I will be making AJ a t-shirt quilt from his Harley shirts. The barter system is alive and well.