Road Trip Today
It was road trip day to the huge city of Stewart. Sister, Elvera, is going to have a 78th birthday tomorrow. We enjoyed a great visit and the lunch that she served was quite nice also.
Stopping in Fairfax to see Kevin allowed for getting a good stretch before motoring on home.

We sure are proud of these beauties. Who would have known that tulip bulbs from a previous Valentines day would enjoy Stauffer Avenue.
About eight miles north of St. James the skies opened and a heavy rainfall gave the windshield wipers a run for their money. By the time I did get to St. James, the rain resembled a good spring shower. Man, oh man is our front yard green and lush. When I drove into the driveway, I couldn’t wait to tuck the car away and snap a photo of the red Fairfax Tulips that opened up among the cactus.
When I did get settled enough to come into the house, it sure smelled good. There was a Butter Pecan cake finishing up in the oven. Dennis was keeping a good eye on it. Apparently he had such a bad day, the only thing he could think of was to offset it by digging out a box cake and setting to the task.
Doing errands in town, his little red pickup rebelled and cracked a hub on the passenger’s side. He got it out to the shop and had the owner give him a ride home.
It is just about supper time and all is back on track. The repair check has been delivered, the little red pickup is back in its garage and the cake looks like it is going to be an excellent dessert.
Rain or shine, there are always many things to be thankful for here on Stauffer Avenue.