Road Trip Day
This is the time of year when invites come in the mail. When one particular invite came for a graduation I knew I was going to ask Dennis to take this one in. We don’t usually travel 149 miles for a graduation but this invite triggered an emotional attachment.
In 2004 a young fellow walked into my office at Watonwan County. He introduced himself as a local resident and asked if I had any openings. No, I sure didn’t. He went on to say he had been laid off at Crysteel Manufacturing in the nearby town. What a sharp looking young man he was. I shook his hand and he went on his way. He had made an impression on me. In the next year, I had an appraiser that was going to throw her hat in the ring and run for Watonwan County Recorder in the coming fall months. I went right to my desk and pulled out Mike’s phone number he had left. Mike worked under me for five years.
Fast forward: I retired in Feb. of 2009 and Mike stepped into my slot that same day. He had had no training when he started but never missed an opportunity to take a class when offered. In 2014 Mike took an offer out of Watonwan County and today Dennis and I checked up on Mike in Pope County, Minnesota. Mike’s staff did comment often of what he had learned from “his mentor” who started him in the assessment world. Sweet!
Dennis and I couldn’t make the actual graduation party on Saturday so we did a road trip today to stop at
Mike’s office and leave a card for his son. The day that Mike started in my office, he was told that within the time coming there would be a quilt made for him as I had made one for everyone who worked for me. Well . . . I got busy, both at work and at home. Today Mike got his quilt. He walked us out to Dennis’ pickup and when he opened the door for me, I handed him a large bag. Right there on the grassy boulevard, Mike unfurled his quilt. He took no notice of some glances as people walked by. Mike had his quilt even if it was a bit delayed. Mike shook Dennis’ hand and I got a great hug. I know Mike and I will always stay in contact.