Rise Up

I spent five hours in the studio today and it was “rise up” and get to the first floor, stay there and take a break.

I think I put a good mile on today walking around the church tables.  How much should I trim off of the linen?  Would that be too much?  Not enough?

I finally put the ruler down and did it slicing some off.  So there!  I loaded up the old carpenter stapler and begin moving the linen on the foam board.  A pinch this way.  Then a pinch that way.  That took another hour of traveling around the church tables.  You might say it would help if there could be another set of eyes . . . don’t even go there.

Dennis is doing the same old, same old sinus issue.  I can’t do a thing to help him.  He has all the meds he is going to get for helping with it.  I am very thankful that he is content to go to the patio porch and complain to the garage kitties.

We do have a bit of rain off and on with 50-degree weather.  Better than sleet or snow. 

You do know, don’t you, that projects in the studio are for nothing other than keeping Grammie busy.  There is no judging of color use or accuracy in measurements.  Saying that, no one is harder on myself than . . . me.  It’s not perfection, it is just real. 

The day is now mid afternoon and there is some reading to do in my bedroom porch perched upon my cherry red chair.  I currently am reading a paper back novel that has almost 1,00o pages.  As I can’t hold a book of any size, there is the tearing of many pages as I complete them.  I believe I am on page 100 something and the story plot has captured me.  Sometimes, it takes that long to hook you in.

With that I take my leave.  ♥