Re-Cap of 11/10/2014
The first thing I did when my feet hit the ground was to check on the condition of the lawn. Yes! It was still green and no sign of any snow. As the day wore on, the skies looked quite ominous, as a damp mist could be felt against my face. So far so good. Dennis is quite sure we are still in line for snow sometime during the night. The amount of school closings told a different story for many parts north of us.
Once a month, Dennis has his blood tested to make sure the Warfarin that thins his blood is remaining at a good level. Heart disease is something you would never wish on your worst enemy, but there are great checks and balances to maintain a good level of health.
Yesterday, as the attic cleaning was coming to an end, I decided to move my stash of quilted wall hangings into my sewing room. I am up and down the basement steps multiple times during the day for ease of access of what is stored there. The walk-up attic cover is not the easiest item to get place back in the correct spot. That being said, room was made on one of the many shelves. It also gave me the option of deciding to send several as Christmas gifts. I plan on continuing to try different patterns and the stash could use a bit of thinning out.

Many stitches are needed for the pattern to come into its own.
After lunch I settled in to do some hand quilting at the dining room table. The metallic bias tape project went as far as it could via the sewing machine, and it was now time to secure all layers together. It whiles away time and gives time for reflection. Most importantly is the exercise of the hands and fingers. After lunch is a great time to start stitching, as I will admit, it takes some time in the mornings and forenoons to limber up all that has tightened up during the night’s rest. Yes, that means I hang on to my coffee cup with two hands as I enjoy the first several cups. Move it or loose it, that is the prescription for arthritis. Today it felt like the true changing of seasons. I know I will find many ways to stay agile and mobile. Planning very far ahead is not what happens on Stauffer Avenue. We rather take each day the way it comes.