Rattling a Cage

Here we thought we were done with winter prep.  Not so.  Dennis came in and said the chimney for his garage furnace has done fallen of the garage wall.  Dang!  It has shown to be rusty for some time.  It is actually a good time to have this done before we actually had a patio full of snow. 

Why the rattling of the cage you might ask.  Our favorite plumbers have been a bit lax. Two summers ago, we had them move the AC so Complete Basements could work on putting in new windows and a window well, with the understanding that when we called them, they would move it back to somewhat of an original location.  That didn’t happen.  The AC has now nestled in quite nicely at an odd angle among our new seedlings of grass.  It’s not going anywhere now.  The slope of the yard has been determined. 

On the list of items for the summer of 2018 was to check the AC as it is a unit that was put in 1991.  At the same time of the request was furnace cleaning for both the house and the garage furnaces.  The boys never showed up.  They have a business office and I know they check in to that location every morning to have the work load divided up.  Catching them when they are in their van at another location is not proper.

Here we are in 2019 with another call to their business office.  Same request: AC check, two furnaces to check and now, also a kitchen faucet repair.  I have called back to check on the scheduling and I was nice about it.  Nothing.

Now today with Dennis’ garage furnace chimney issue, Dennis went straight for the jugular.  Not the business office to have this put on the list . . . right down to where the vehicles are kept and where the boys have a bit of a man cave. 

This is the first time of having a disappointed experience with them that has lapsed two seasons.  We don’t want to be the clients that are serviced when it is a high ticket item.  We are the clients that pay our bill on time.  We are the “steady Eddies” of customers that give out great reviews.

As Dennis got the little red pickup out of the garage . . . “You go cowboy.”  Let’s see what is gong on with the service that has been given in good faith, on both ends, in the past.  I can hear the cage being rattled!