Quite the Day

Every once in awhile, Megan would ask where the Odin Craft Mill in Odin was.  It never went beyond that.  Megan actually contacted them about a vendor she had bought something from many years ago when she was staying with us. 

What Megan had bought was a candle in a pint jar.  The little paper label tied on with twine string was long gone.  This scent was one that she enjoyed while doing her creative writing.  It must have had an effect as she won awards at her senior awards ceremony.  Megan sent me a photo.  Sure enough her pint jar’s wick was getting pretty short.

She couldn’t quite remember how the vanilla scent was marketed.  She remembered the scent of the jar next to hers was labeled, “Butt Naked.”

I went online and looked up various photos in the craft mill’s history.  Gottcha!  A photo of candles in pint jars.  When I enlarged the photo, I could see the printing on the label.  Sure enough, there was a website and their candles were now sold on Etsy as well.  I knew I had the right website as they were still selling the “Butt Naked.”  The “Smoked Vanilla” is still sold with the same brown tin cover on the pint jar.

There will be a “Smoked Vanilla” candle headed Megan’s way.  Keeping her creativity flowing is the least Dennis and I can do across the miles.  When I told Dennis the candle story, he was amazed what can be ferreted out on a computer.

Before querying Megan about her candle, I was prepared to visit the craft mill in search of her candle during the tree weekends in October.  This has saved me from visiting the mill.  There are throngs of people in all shapes and sizes with baby strollers, canes and walkers.  I would have been one of the latter ones.  This was a win, win for Grammie.

Dennis also had a great day.  Whatever Bruce and his chainsaw had cut down on the blue barn acre this past week has now been pushed onto the one huge pile of debris.  Grandson Ryan and Brett’s huge skid loader with a ten foot wide bucket did a great job.  That pile represents the consummate amount that needs to be cleared off that acre.  After Ryan was done, Dennis and I chose a cove of Black Walnut trees to pick up limbs and branches that Ryan couldn’t get under.  That pile that we raked together will make a nice little bonfire one of these days.  As we work under other trees of the little stuff, another bonfire will ensue.

We have had a great day.  Nothing feels as good as taking care of home and hearth.