I am having a quiet day, pretty well pulled into myself in the studio. Yesterday with my visit to my friend’s home has given me much to think about.
Though Judy is blind, she is still hoping that in the second bedroom of their town home, she can have her Bernina sewing machine table set up. It would be available for when her daughter-in-law and her daughter have an idea to sew and she could be swept up in that sewing atmosphere. Judy commented that just having it set up would give her a lift and feel as if there were a balance in what her surroundings allow. I would have to agree with her.
The immediate time after I had had a stroke, it gave oh so much solace to come down to the studio and be with and around what I had enjoyed, not knowing if anything would ever come into fruition for me again. I didn’t even need much for lights. Just sitting in my sewing chair and twirling back and forth felt good. Though Judy’s and my situation is worlds apart, I can understand her mindset.
The ability to enjoy my studio is far beyond what I thought I could achieve. Thanks be to my God. What I have come to realize today is that paring down is needed in regard to paper stuff I have squirreled away. Yes . . . that pattern has been quilted, I will never repeat it. No . . . that quilting book that had been handed down to me needs to hit the recycling bin. I know my stitching friends well enough to know they each have their own niche in their interests.
I am on a roll. I have a want list to continue with my organization. What I want, my hometown does not stock. Dennis said just last night, if I wanted to go somewhere . . . to just let him know. I need a trip to OfficeMax. In the meantime, my church tables still have room for some stacks of sorting items.
Today worked out great as I had gotten the gentle hint to stay out of the kitchen while Dennis was working on an oven dish for supper. KNUJ radio was put on loud enough in the studio that I was not privy to what the clattering going on in the kitchen could mean.
We did have a 1/2 inch of rain by eight this morning. Well deserved.