Purple Top Finished
A Saturday morning on Stauffer can be busy.
Dennis was planning on making the trip to Windom for the day’s trade show. Keeping up with friends when Dennis had set up for the weekend, sounded like a good idea to me. To make sure that he would be able to smooze the isles easily, Dennis decided to take the walker with that one can easily turn around in and sit down. Sometimes the legs can get weary and why take a chance of missing out on anything.
When Dennis had pulled out of the drive, I headed down Stauffer with my walking crutches. A brisk walk and I knew I would be heading into the studio.
With coffee in hand and my telephone in my pocket . . . I was set. The telephone in the pocket is sweet. I don’t and won’t rush to answer the phone. No KNUJ radio on a Saturday as it is nothing but sports. Minnesota 100 has good country music on.
When I would have least expected it, a good phone conversation was had this forenoon. That set the tone for the remainder of the day and will carry through for many days to come.
The purple quilt top is finished. I have used 8.25 yards of fabric out of my stashes and the quilt top measures 77″ x 105″, give or take an inch. Putting the three borders on it had quite a bit of heft under
the needle by the time the last one was done. I did the borders by the book, 3″, 4″ and 5″. Adding the 4″ of olive green picked up the greens in the leaves of the grape vines. I have had that green in my stashes a long time. There are just as many greens in the color pallet as there are of whites.
When this post is done, the lights here in the studio will be turned off. Dennis is not home as yet and I might just take that last cup of cold coffee and read for a while.
Needless to say my studio’s floor needs some TLC. Threads everywhere. With this project I got my fill of the fabric by the Maywood Studio mills. The yardage ravels something fierce. The price per yard is comparable to other brands and the warp and weft are also the same. I was really happy the third border was from a different company. Handling the quilt top from this point to actually quilting it, the edges could have been compromised. The cleanup is for another day.
Tomorrow is Luella’s fourth birthday party. Her and Great Grandpa Dennis share the same date. This calls for a trip to Mankato for a birthday cupcake.