Project on Schedule
Today I am here to say our garage roofing project is on schedule. The gutter helmets were off by ten this morning. The crew labeled them as each unit was removed. They are now tucked in the garage. The steel cable is right where Kevin had it. We need to call when the roofing job is done and the crew will return to reinstall the gutter helmet. All is going well. What a sweet project to have done this early in the spring season. Tomorrow morning, Fairmont Roofing will be here sporting a crew, a dumpster and great weather to work the project.
I tease Dennis about his “second wife.” Dennis and Dwayne are best of friends and each looks forward to when they have a road date planned. Today Dennis had an appointment in Mankato and Dwayne is riding shotgun. The VA clinic here in town made arrangements for Dennis to be fitted with shoes that have Velcro for fasteners. The Hanger Clinic is located in the old Madison East Mall, they fit all things orthotic. What a great sunny day for such a trip.
I have completed my Stitcher Bag as of this noon. The two sets of straps turned out just as I had envisioned last night while I mulled this over in bed. Sweet. It felt good to have a bag fit
for luncheons rather than a plastic local grocery store bag. Sweeter yet was making use of what was in my stashes. No products were purchased at this time to complete the plan. I need to continue this quest going forward. I do miss visiting the Old Alley Quilt Shop, but I know myself well enough that I would find something to purchase, not having any idea when I would work it up.
In the recent days a pattern arrived in the mail from one of the stitchers. It is a pattern designed to use multiple fabric patterns and colors. The name of the pattern is called “Long Time Gone.” Thus, using fabric prints much like the feed sack prints of days of old will be desirable. I have a plastic container on the shelf in the studio that has remnants of original feed sack fabrics that were Mom’s. To add to that is some fabric I had purchased that replicated that era of prints that were part of a collection by Darlene Zimmerman from Fairfax. I have understood that they no longer call Fairfax their home.
Not to worry . . . even with spring and outside spring work coming, the studio will beckon me. Idle hands are the work of those that are not up to working with threads and fuzz. With that being my mantra . . . the devil does not stand a chance. Tee Hee!