Predictions Come True

Megan at Grammie's

A younger Megan who needed pillows to be able to use my laptop. When we chat via texting, her smile is right there for my mind’s eye . . . as it always has been. Even then, Megan was no stranger to my basement sewing studio.

Some time back when I was reminiscing with Kevin about the visits that we have enjoyed with the grandkids, Megan and Nicholas,  I spoke of a time when the visits would become far and few in between just to the fact that Dennis and I couldn’t keep the kids small forever.  The prediction of the visits becoming fewer has come true.  The prediction that Kevin made has also come true. Kevin predicted that as Megan got older she would know how to call me and we could still visit.  Megan turned thirteen in December of 2016.  Megan now has a cell phone. Yippee!!  My heart absolutely bursts when I hear the ding-a-ling on my cell phone that I have a text message . . . and it’s from Megan!  It takes me a while to punch out a text on my TracFone, but I am getting faster and better with it. We have a back and forth conversation and I love it.

Today our conversation was about the message Dennis and I had sent in her Valentine.  We kidded her that if we had one wish, it would be that she wouldn’t grow up quite so fast.  Her text told me that having one or two of her vertebra removed to allow for that wish would be quite painful.  There was an emoji attached.  I had in previous texts allowed her to know that my old time TracFone didn’t have emojis.   I then assured her to keep growing as every family needs tall, strong women.   After several back and forth, we signed off until the next time.  I really am thankful for cell phones.