Power in Walking
Arthritis feels so much better when the body moves. Walking has become something I look forward to every morning. My whole day goes better. I do know that I also walk with more stability when I keep a cadence. Ambling along I know I do not look as if I am stable. I can feel it. Whatever!
Dennis is out and about today. I know his days go better when he can get that little red pickup out of the garage and check the town out. My only stipulation was that he hit the Lewis driveway window for one of his prescriptions and pop a bill off in the mail . . . then the sky was the limit.
Yesterday nephew Brett stopped in. He has had enough. Today he was going back to concrete work with his crew. If landscapers could, he saw no reason why concrete workers were any different, working outside. Of course . . . that is where one of Dennis’ stops will be. Just like Dad, watching something being done is what Dennis enjoys. For both men, remembering when they would have been able to handle that task as if it were nothing at all. Priceless.
Being busy with the sewing machine is fun and always a challenge. These hexagons are under the needle big time. Putting six triangles together to form a hexagon, pressing all seams open is a must. The next step of quilting these blocks will go badly if the point where all seams meet, which would be twelve layers thick . . . lots of sewing machine needles broke at the point of impact. I take the process easy. Lots of up and down from the sewing machine to the ironing board to the church table for more pinning. There is power in walking and also power in moving within the sewing studio. That is my “priceless.”
Dennis is making noise . . . like being in need of a road trip sometime this weekend. It may be a trip to Hy-Vee in Mankato, Fairmont or New Ulm. Who knows? It doesn’t matter to me. I enjoy getting out of Dodge as much as he does.