Persistent Summer
Get that outside work done! Stepping out this morning, it didn’t feel like a typical early morning. It felt like a tropical morning. All we needed to get done was to lay down some grass seed on the black dirt that we put down yesterday, rake it lightly and give it a sprinkle of water. Done! Outside work . . . done.
After every finished large sewing project the sewing studio needs some time spent in it putting away extra materials and getting those loose threads vacuumed. Nothing feels more wonderful than starting a new project with the surrounding area tidy, organized and clean of fuzz and threads. It feels like you are in a . . . sewing studio.
When we were working in the patio porch with the Santa repair and the shelving for rafter cat rescue, we talked about several items that we had too much emotional attachment with to give away. After today and using Murphy Soap wipes (lots of them) we are feeling like we have remodeled our home, upstairs and down. Dad loved doing woodworking. Taking it up as a hobby after he hung his farming days up, he did well. The room divider Dad had made from lumber he had milled from the old chicken barn on the farm. His shop was complete with a plainer, router and multiple saws. He had fun stuff. Originally this divider was used in our living room. With the advent of a much needed small office corner we didn’t have enough extra real estate to divide, and it had been used in the patio porch as a divider between the porch and the pickup. Originally our small kitchen was built when there were no electrical appliances. It was a place for a refrigerator, a cooking range, a small table and possibly two chairs. Dad and Mom came with the answer to the lack of space. The microwave stand was the answer. Why had it been taken out of the kitchen? The wall behind the cooking range was stressed from decades of hot steam on the plaster. When it was time to try and salvage the area, the stand went out to the patio porch for ease of working. By the way, there isn’t that much extreme cooking that goes on in our kitchen as of late. Eating lighter, eating less of the stove top cooking.
Today both of these items are back in high use. With having people come and visit the sewing studio, the divider was the perfect portable answer for some privacy in regard to the plumbing area. When Kevin had tightened up the wood rockers for us we had taken them down into the basement for him to work on. I realized how wonderful it was to take a break from an active project to sit, rock away and ponder what the next s
tep should be. Dennis has his rocking chair in the patio porch and I have my resting space. We never realized how many square feet we have gained on the kitchen counter by not having the microwave sitting upon it. There are times we make adjustments to our living areas and end up coming back to what makes the most common sense.
It was an uncomfortable day outside but we sure have had a great day indoors. I am counting on next week for some comfortable weather so the 12 bags of Walmart dirt can come out of the back of the pickup. There is more to be done before fall is done.