Pea Soup

The thickest pea soup has nothing on the fog that has swallowed us up.  I checked the advisory just a minute ago and we were were to be lucky, it is .1 mile that we could see out of the windshield.  That right there sends shivers down my spine as I know there are brave hearts that will be out in it.

Dennis had an appointment up the street at the VA this morning at nine.  It was a blood draw to check on his red blood count.  The VA checked it after he came home from the nursing home and it was low then.  It could have been from the hip surgery.

Dennis picked up a med for me from Lewis Drug before he came home.  It would have been $36.69 for a three month supply, but our co-pay was zero.  Sweet.  Our prescription insurance this 2024 calendar was $.50 each month for me and the same amount for Dennis.  We just got the new rate in today’s mail for 2025.  It stated the premium for January at $.00.  Or neighbors to the north have the same plan and their statement also read $.00.  Our carrier is Well Care.  Our policy was written by our insurance agent in Madelia.

Our Blue Cross Blue Shield will be going up $21.00 a month for each of us.  We have always been told to never change it as that policy is no longer written but it cannot be taken away from us.  We never have a co-pay whether an office call or a surgery.  Dennis and I would be in the poor-house if that were not true.

We are having a skillet supper this evening.  A mixture of sautéed onions, fried potatoes and eggs scrambled.  Sounds tasty to me.  The chicken tenderloins were great last night.  As soon as the meat thermometer hit 151 degrees, I shut the burner off.  A table knife cut them up perfectly.

No stitching today.  A bit of housework and reading.  The damp weather has taken its tole.

With that I will take my leave.  ♥