Partly Sunny
It is great to see the sun even if it is intermittently. It has been a quiet day for us.
I have been puttering in the sewing studio placing umpteen safety pins into the blanket that is sandwiched. Holding everything together as well as possible makes for a better finished project. The index finger on my left hand had to sport a Band-Aid as closing the safety pins is a prickly business. The embroidery module was purring right along as I kept a watchful eye for any problems. After the embroidered block was finished, I began working with trying out some decorative stitches to see what I could implement for doing the actual quilting of the blanket. All batting states that stitching can be done up to 8-10 inches apart. When quilts were tied with yarn, that was perhaps the limit but still making the quilting strong enough for wear and tear. I don’t ever remember a tied quilt not withstanding use and having the yarn knots come undone.
With remembering that, I think I can also machine stitch something a bit less dense from some that I have done as the these blocks are 7″ blocks. I have time to figure that out. My main concern is sewing down two sides of the sandwiched blanket. The batting that I had on hand is plenty generous, my concern is that the backing is spot on in regard to the size of the top. Talk about making due. If I don’t sew it down, it will creep as I man handled it under the needle for the quilting. Creeping means something would have to be trimmed in order to bind it . . . not going to happen.
It is amazing how the day can dwindle down to the point of preparing supper. We are having chicken tities and some boiled potatoes. Dennis willingly peeled the potatoes. The veggie will be whatever I find in the freezer of the Green Giant steamtables. I do know that I will be passing on the brussel sprouts as I would be eating them alone.
Take care and know that as a Monday may go, there is a good chance that not too many people have screwed it up for the entire week. Take a stand and do not waver.