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  • Noreen 1:14 pm on September 24, 2023 Permalink  

    Rain Drops 

    We got home from Mankato about four yesterday.  There were rain drops now and then.  It didn’t take long for the rain to get its act together.  After all was said and done, the gauge registered at 1.5 inches.  Slow and steady.

    I am doing something I have never done before via the crockpot.  I browned a pound of 80/20 ground beef right in the covered crock pot.  I then added cans of three different beans, black, kidney and white pinto.  Seeing as how we bought ketchup at Sam’s Club . . . three to a plastic collar and each is huge, I added the Heinz and chili powder.  That was it.  It has simmered since 9:30 this morning.  I like the taste of it.  If this gets a passing grade at supper, I call it easy.

    There is no doubt that this rain will bring out the hum of the mowers.  I know that during the month of August,  no money was spent to mow crispy brown spears.

    A new week tomorrow and the last week in the month of September.  Time slips away.  The good thing is that the older ones on Stauffer have a goodly amount of local effort to put on the table.

    Catch you all tomorrow.

  • Noreen 10:52 am on September 23, 2023 Permalink  

    What’s This? 

    What’s this?  It is a posting in the forenoon of this Saturday.

    I have just completed a check of our inventory in the basement pantry.  Yes . . . Dennis wants to go to Mankato.

    For the week that we have had, Dennis may want to be in his little red pickup schmoozing down the highway.  Many of our age and our friends are getting ready to spend their late falls and winters in other locations. 

    What a blessing that the two of us are content to make the 45 miles to beef up our pantry.

    I mentioned our last week.  It began with the last payment of our vehicle.  Grandson AJ put the newly painted shutters back on the house.  On to the blue barn acre,  Dennis’ cousin Bruce had time to take out any and all trees that were nothing but . . . too much.  Grandson Ryan came over that same afternoon and pushed limbs and branches onto the already huge pile of debris.  Surprise!  Our neighbor had time in the evening of Tuesday to pull more crap out of the south lot line and onto the huge pile it was pushed.  Our main tree man didn’t think he could have the debris hauled out until very late fall.  The tree man had a cancelation.  By Friday morning when Dennis took a drive over to the acre . . . he just took in the site of the acre having been cleared.  My, oh my.

    Dennis had had all his wishes granted.

    Late Friday afternoon, my wish was being granted.  We had been on the Watson boys’ list since late last winter to have our furnace vents moved from the north side of the house, where the sun never shines on it, to the south.  At three yesterday the Watson van pulled into the drive.  By four the deed had been done.  No more having to worry about the ice building up, shutting off the furnace, or for that matter, to get through the snow.

    This morning, I decided to grit my teeth and see how much mess there was to clean up after having had two holes drilled through the south basement wall of the studio.  I did the white glove test.  All that will need a Swiffer dust wand is a few foam insulation crumbs that escaped during static cling . . . nothing else.  How sweet is that!

    A whirlwind week it has been.  Perhaps a trip down the highway and we will call it a mini, mini holiday. 

    Where once an overflowing job-jar sat, can now have a jar of peach jam sitting.

    What this has been is a blog post while also doing a week’s recap of life on Stauffer Avenue.  Don’t you just love it!

  • Noreen 1:14 pm on September 22, 2023 Permalink  

    Just a Spinkle 

    Just a few sprinkles thus far from the forecast.

    The day is cool and gray.

    This morning, I put a pork steak in the crockpot smothered in a bold marinate.  There are mashed potatoes left two nights ago that will be heated in the microwave.  A side dish of vegetables and we have an evening meal planned.  Nothing fancy, but tasty. I can assure you.

    We have not been shopping in Mankato for groceries very often as the medical appointments have ceased.  For sure, I have been watching our local grocer’s prices so I can compare when we do go.  Dennis has been out of breakfast muffins for some time and that would push a trip out of town.  He also enjoys his orange juice.  When he has been really busy at the blue barn acre he will stop in for a glass of orange juice before eating something on the go.  I can tell you that two of the 54 oz. jugs can be bought for the price of one here in town.

    I have noticed the frequency of trains lately.  One can hardy miss them as we are a block from the tracks.  Generally they are 100 cars plus.  The thumping noise they make going over the street’s intersection becomes music to the ears.

    This is a slow day for me.  I am switching from stitching to reading.  With the cherry red chair having great back support, there are no aches from extended times.  I can almost feel guilty having a lazy day. 

    May your weekend find yourselves with a bit of a lazy time.

  • Noreen 2:31 pm on September 21, 2023 Permalink  

    Spa Day 

    Today was spa day for Dennis and me.  It may sound strange, but on our spa day, we have Maria’s shop booked for the entire morning.  Maria, a single operator of her shop, opens at ten.  With Dennis and me having both pedicures and haircuts, it is a bit after twelve noon before we get into Dennis’ little red pickup and head the five blocks home.

    What gives me reassurance is that Maria has kept up her LPN nurse’s license.  She is vigilant checking legs from the knees down and also the scalp.  Little things that may be of no alarm for us, could well be of a serious nature.  Dennis also has a thumb nail that needs a check over.  Our spa day is a win, win.

    Before we leave Maria’s shop, I have her business card for the next month’s spa date.

    2023-HomeI was excited to come down the street and see our home after the shutters were put back on.  Without them giving a bit of a polished look, it was just so much white siding.  The exterior of our home got quite the spiffing up this 2023 year.  After all the painting and staining that my 1.5″ brush did, it is now no more.  The bristles had gotten quite short.  But I must say . . . it always cleaned up great.   

    We have decided on Subway for supper.  A 12″ tuna does the trick for the two of us.  It is the only time that chips of various flavors come into the house.  We do wait until late afternoon to go and pick it up.  By trial and error, that is when the bread is the freshest.

    Tomorrow being Friday, there is talk of rain.  It would be welcomed.

  • Noreen 1:55 pm on September 20, 2023 Permalink  

    Morning Breeze 

    I sat on the front deck with coffee this morning and enjoyed the breeze.  I knew that in time, the sun would scare me back inside.

    I took advantage of the early morning by putting a frozen peach pie in the 375 degree oven.  All I needed to do was brush the top with butter and sprinkle on a mixture of sugar and cinnamon.  By nine, the pie was cooling and the oven was off.  Seems fitting to celebrate the good week we have had thus far.

    This afternoon Dennis needed to have the little red pickup in Madelia.  We had gotten a notice about the air bags being recalled.  It was a puzzle as it seems that this is the third such letter.  Dennis made the appointment.  If something came about in the future and he had not heeded to what the recall advised . . . up a shit creek.

    Dennis had just left for Madelia as I got a text from Dennis’ grandson, AJ, in Mankato.  He would be heading out for St. James and would be putting the painted shutters back onto the house.  Sweet.  I think one more item is going to be added for AJ’s help.  It is time that the huge patio umbrella goes back into the potting shed.  Not that it is so terribly heavy, just cumbersome with uneven weight.

    Dennis may very well be back home before AJ arrives.

    I plan on adding some chicken tenderloins on the menu for supper.  It doesn’t take long to whip up a batch of instant potatoes and pop open a can of green beans as a side.

    This morning, Dennis did go over to the blue barn acre, if nothing else to pinch himself that it is done.  Yesterday, it was amazing how this huge skid loader could pick out a stray steel fence post and pot it over by a tree.  Dennis feels it will be a small pickup load of stray items that were not fit for the tree dump.  In the scheme of things, not serious. 

    Thanks be for a wonderful day.

  • Noreen 1:23 pm on September 19, 2023 Permalink  

    Tuesday the 19th of Sept. 

    Hello, Hello!

    It may be warmer today, but still a great day.

    I was visiting over our picket fence this morning with neighbor Jan.  She asked me what I had been up to this morning.  Can you imagine how time consuming it is to read reviews of Ott lighting choices.  As I told her that, she asked me to wait a minute.  Out of her garage she came with a box.  In the box were some items that came out Bonnie’s room, aka: mother-in-law, from the assisted living facility in Madelia.  Bonnie passed away this last late winter.  

    Out of the box came an electrical lamp that had been on Bonnie’s bedside nightstand.  Jan insisted to carry it over to see if it would work in my bedroom porch.  What a persistent friend.

    My-Spot2When all was said and hooked up, it was a win, win.  Jan was all smiles as she walked home, happy to have one less box to move about.

    This persistent friend has a hubby, Randy.  Last night after our supper, Randy had come over and offered his green Deere to help Dennis at the blue barn acre.  This was after Randy had put in a day at his job.  These two neighbors had been watching Dennis toil.  Randy went over, followed by Dennis in his little red pickup.  Randy, with his tractor blade, pulled debris from the south lot line and then pushed it onto the huge pile in the center of the lot.  Dennis’ goal was to be able to get farther towards the south lot line with his killer spray.  Jan had been right there giving Randy directions.  If Jan had had her way, they would have worked until dark, and Randy wouldn’t have gotten his supper.  Actually, Randy enjoys playing with his tractor.  Dennis came home totally content that he could now push on killing burdock. 

    This afternoon, Dennis called me and said he was coming to pick me up.  Randy Aspland was taking out the huge pile of trees and limbs from the blue barn acre and taking it to our tree dump.

    How perfect could this all have been.  Last week Bruce cut down the needed trees from the blue barn acre.  Last night Randy worked his magic.  Today all the debris will be gone.  Going forward, Dennis will have little piles of twigs to burn. Going at his rate, no more waiting upon those that can and those that do.

    God has shone His glory upon the owners of the blue barn acre.

  • Noreen 1:14 pm on September 18, 2023 Permalink  

    It Was Nice 

    It was nice while it lasted.  I had superior lighting coming over my right shoulder to either read or stitch.  This afternoon after tidy tidy duties were done, I was going to stitch a bit.  Hmm.  The fan on my Fairfax unit was running, but no light.

    Dennis was called into action.  The unit was gotten open for a good look-see.  A tiny bulb incased in a rectangular looking clear resin with the prongs of the bulb extended.  In the inside was the parts number as only Burton bulbs were to be used.

    Of course I went online.  Burton medical products are still being manufactured.  Their base is in England.  My light source is from the dark ages. 

    I think I had the best for a time.  At least I know how wonderful it feels to have adequate lighting for reading and stitching.  I did go to antique medical devices.  I found Nova bulbs that look like the unit that Dennis had taken out to look at.  There was no reference that came close to the bulb number we had.  At $144.00 or $180.00 for a pack of four, it would be a huge gamble.  Sometimes we need to pull on our big girl panties and invest in the modern day equipment that we need for a quality of life.

    It may well be OTT light time.

    It is almost 80 outside but the day feels wonderful.  I think if I were to check, the dewpoint and humidity would have low numbers. 

    Dennis is taking the day easy as I think he may have overdone it yesterday in his quest of hobby farming.

    Enjoy the week everyone.  Each day brings challenges and surprises . . . don’t I know it.

  • Noreen 2:07 pm on September 17, 2023 Permalink  

    Quite the Day 

    Every once in awhile, Megan would ask where the Odin Craft Mill in Odin was.  It never went beyond that.  Megan actually contacted them about a vendor she had bought something from many years ago when she was staying with us. 

    What Megan had bought was a candle in a pint jar.  The little paper label tied on with twine string was long gone.  This scent was one that she enjoyed while doing her creative writing.  It must have had an effect as she won awards at her senior awards ceremony.  Megan sent me a photo.  Sure enough her pint jar’s wick was getting pretty short.

    She couldn’t quite remember how the vanilla scent was marketed.  She remembered the scent of the jar next to hers was labeled, “Butt Naked.”

    I went online and looked up various photos in the craft mill’s history.  Gottcha!  A photo of candles in pint jars.  When I enlarged the photo, I could see the printing on the label.  Sure enough, there was a website and their candles were now sold on Etsy as well.  I knew I had the right website as they were still selling the “Butt Naked.”  The “Smoked Vanilla” is still sold with the same brown tin cover on the pint jar.

    There will be a “Smoked Vanilla” candle headed Megan’s way.  Keeping her creativity flowing is the least Dennis and I can do across the miles.  When I told Dennis the candle story, he was amazed what can be ferreted out on a computer.

    Before querying Megan about her candle, I was prepared to visit the craft mill in search of her candle during the tree weekends in October.  This has saved me from visiting the mill.  There are throngs of people in all shapes and sizes with baby strollers, canes and walkers.  I would have been one of the latter ones.  This was a win, win for Grammie.

    Dennis also had a great day.  Whatever Bruce and his chainsaw had cut down on the blue barn acre this past week has now been pushed onto the one huge pile of debris.  Grandson Ryan and Brett’s huge skid loader with a ten foot wide bucket did a great job.  That pile represents the consummate amount that needs to be cleared off that acre.  After Ryan was done, Dennis and I chose a cove of Black Walnut trees to pick up limbs and branches that Ryan couldn’t get under.  That pile that we raked together will make a nice little bonfire one of these days.  As we work under other trees of the little stuff, another bonfire will ensue.

    We have had a great day.  Nothing feels as good as taking care of home and hearth.

  • Noreen 1:19 pm on September 16, 2023 Permalink  

    Feeling Thankful 

    Yesterday I mentioned that today my west porch bedroom was due for laundry.  The biggy was laundering my feather comforter.

    Many decades ago, Lena had a pink toilet plunger that she kept by her wringer washing machine.  Hmm.  With the feather comforter, I now know the importance of a clean toilet plunger.  As the washing machine began filling with the Woolite delicate laundry soap and bubbles were ensuing, there wasn’t a whole bunch of the comforter getting friendly with the cold water.  The plunger was called into service.

    Man . . . my arms got very weary getting the feathers, encased into the batiste cotton, wet enough with the plunger to sink.  I stayed close as the machine was hitting the spin-out cycle.  The washing machine never gave a wobble.  All was going to turn out well.  When it was time to get the comforter into the dryer there was not one single feather lying loose.  Sweet.  Years ago I washed a pillow that was labeled “washable.”  I ended up using my yellow Tupperware strainer, taking all the filling out of the wash water before the spin cycle started.  It pays to stay close to the washing machine. 

    Dennis was busy getting his Sears mower home from the mechanic north of town that had put on new blades and fixed a bit of a bent shaft.  Amazing that Dennis could get that heavy implement trailer hooked to the little red pickup on his own.  Having him and all that he left with plus the mower, was a very good feeling.

    The comforter has turned out great.  By bedtime the flannel sheets and the comforter will welcome me to an evening and night’s slumber.

    I think Supper is up for grabs.  Hefting the bedding in and out of the washing machine and into the dryer for two days running, I am feeling some pulling across my chest, a little similar to the days of heart surgery recovery.

    Take care during this wonderful autumn-feeling weekend.

    Grammie is off the clock.

  • Noreen 2:01 pm on September 15, 2023 Permalink  

    Rain Drops 

    It may have not been a gully washer of rain, but every little bit helps.

    Today Dennis and his cousin Bruce visited the blue barn acre with Bruce’s chainsaw.  There were too many trees that were tipping, listing or just plain falling over.  After Bruce left. Dennis gave me a tour.  After several days of the leaves drying, there will be plenty of hauling limbs to the main pile of debris.

    My task at hand today was stripping Dennis’ bed and doing some tidy, tidy in his bedroom.  While the laundry was going, I did some stitching.

    We are have beef vegetable soup and sandwiches for supper.  I metered three cups of soup per freezer bag last night.  Three bags in the freezer for another time.

    The air is heavy but doable.

    At the grocer’s yesterday, I purchased a bottle of Woolite laundry soap.  Tomorrow morning, first thing . . . I am washing my feather comforter.  I did my research on the internet.  It will be fritzy fresh for the colder weather that is bound to find me in my west bedroom porch.

    Take care and do what makes you feel good over the weekend.

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