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  • Noreen 1:24 pm on October 3, 2023 Permalink  

    Changing Direction 

    As the day continues, our little flag on the northwest corner of the house is slowly changing direction.

    When the mail fellow was here at eleven this forenoon in his postal official shorts, he may have goosebumps on his knees by Friday.

    Wild turkeys have been raiding the backyard this week.  Most of them are young from this year’s hatch but still have some of the older taller ones showing them the ropes.

    I found a big fat cricket in the studio this morning.  I did not find him by his chirping.  He just sat there in the quiet being quiet.  He was flushed in a heartbeat.

    Dennis has been home to refuel his mower.  With the strong wind, he is not covered with grass clippings.  A noon break with orange juice did the trick.

    One of the lots that we purchased adjoining ours some years ago, still had a surprise for us.  Why it never was found earlier, is just the way Dennis mowed the yard.  The surprise was a perfectly round hole that would have been a sewer tile for the house that we had the fire department do a training burn.  We had a decorative square patio block large enough, when the grass around the hole was taken away from it, it was even with the surrounding dirt and covered the opening.  As Dennis dug, the copper water line was in close proximity.  We were happy it was not a forgotten well.  We are aware how expensive and detailed it is to handle that. 

    Enjoy the changing of the winds.  We may be back to enjoying the October weather, leaving behind the late summer’s heat.

  • Noreen 2:44 pm on October 2, 2023 Permalink  

    Hot Winds 

    The hot winds are raising awareness of what pollen is blowing around.  I have been sneezing quite a bit.

    The kitchen smells good.  I had a frozen pie, strawberry and rhubarb, that I had been saving for a birthday treat for Dennis.  I did the baking before it was terribly warn outside.  The apple barn east of Lake Crystal has a separate venue that sells baked pies, cream pies and frozen pies.  A while back, I thought such an offering would be good to have on hand for such a day as today.  The birthday phone call for Dennis was wonderful.  Sharing words one on one beats something on Facebook.

    While contemplating things in our home, I feel if I could just channel my dad, Raymond.  While nothing is coming through as a solution, I have decided to put the idea on a shelf.  You never know when a solution pops into the head while doing something different all together.

    My retail therapy has been satisfied recently via Amazon.  A new shower curtain was delivered on Sunday along with powerful magnets to place on the bottom of the curtain.  The pitiful ones in the curtain from the manufacturer are just that . . . pitiful.  The floor register’s air movement would get behind the lightweight curtain.  Who needs climate control in the shower stall.  Getting items delivered on Sunday, still is for me unbelievable.

    Our brand new VA clinic is short a registered nurse.  No one wants to work.  Veterans that need to have a monthly check on their INR, blood clotting, have to travel to Mankato once a month.  Good grief. 

    I will have a grocery list.  We often don’t need a heavy supper.  We like the frozen Jimmy Dean pre-cooked sausage patties coupled with Ego waffles for the toaster.  The waffles that we like are not the flat ones.  Even a bucket of ice cream doesn’t disappear too quickly.

    Megan and I have been texting off and on.  I told her I wouldn’t be making phone calls as her schedule is important.  I still miss the fun times when she stayed with us.  Hmm.  Just when did she grow up?

    Dennis has a six year old great grand that shares his birthday.  Hard to believe that Luella is six.  The youngest of the great grands.

    Oh so many thoughts flitter through the gray matter . . . its called memories.  I wouldn’t trade them for anything.

  • Noreen 1:06 pm on October 1, 2023 Permalink  

    The Dance 

    Our large trees felt the dry summer just as everyone and everything else.

    This morning, sitting on the front deck with coffee cup in hand, I watched dry leaves tippy toe, doing their dance across the hard-surfaced street.  Many leaves will not be able to hang on until the first hard frost.

    My ole cowboy is going to have his 87th birthday tomorrow.  Many that we come in contact with, never realize how many candles he has gone through over the years.

    This noon taking an orange juice break, I asked him if he wanted anything special for tomorrow.  Dennis shook his head.  He went on to say that yesterday when grandson AJ was here, he got his early birthday wish.  Not only all the chit chat, but Dennis and AJ went over to the blue barn acre.  There is no longer stray concrete blocks lying about.  The length of galvanized tin is not on the acre and the television lodged in the south lot line is gone.  Grandpa and AJ got everything on the implement trailer next to our back garage.  Items to still deal with, but on our home’s turf.

    Blue-BarnSome commented that they were sure Dennis had bit off more than he could chew, taking that acre under his belt.  They didn’t realize that Dennis knew people or how many for that matter.  No matter how much was cleared, the naysayers would make a comment to him about those last items still in the dirt.  Dennis just wanted there to be nothing but trees, dirt and grass.  Dennis got his birthday wish and the best part was working with AJ to do it yesterday.

    I am very proud of Dennis taking each step slowly and achieving his goal.  Several realtors have asked us if they can list the acre with their company.  The reply is that it is not for sale.  Dennis enjoys keeping people guessing. 

    This next week by Wednesday, the temps will be cooler.  We do plan on going to the acre and raking together small piles of branches and limbs under each set of trees.  Who doesn’t like a fall bonfire! 

    For as many lots as we have cleared here next to our forever home, three, we have found treasure . . . zip.  But I will say it has been very satisfying to clean up what lies around us.

    It is chicken titties, green beans and instant potatoes for supper.

    With all things well with my soul, I will do a dance . . . all four slide steps.

    Happy October you all!

  • Noreen 1:24 pm on September 30, 2023 Permalink  


    What a mixture of . . . Ish!

    Boxelder bugs, Asian beetles, black flies and throw in a mixture of wasps.  Ish!  Though I have a perfectly good clothesline, this time of the fall is no time to use them.  They all can spot up fabric like you cannot believe.

    Sitting on the front deck early in the morning or after dark is the best of all times.

    Dennis’ grandson AJ, from Mankato, stopped in this forenoon on his Harley.  He is always a bright spot in Dennis’ day.  The young and the old can sit and swap stories for some time.

    This midday, Dennis and I in the little red pickup visited the Dairy Queen here in town.  We have talked about each getting a blizzard for some time.  Well, they do close for the season on October 9th.  Today was the day!

    The afternoon sun feels all of the 86 degrees . . . plus.  One more day of July-feeling temps and a cool-down is headed our way.

    Dennis is feeling his blizzard and is taking a nap in the patio porch.  Sweet.  I am heading to my Teak rocker to watch some of my subscribed YouTube channels on stitching.

    Stay comfortable by staying out of the sun.

  • Noreen 2:03 pm on September 29, 2023 Permalink  

    Rain Drops 

    Rain drops here and there.  That cancelled out work we had intended for the day.  Enough dampness to cause a greasy smear where there is no grass.  If nothing else the pigeon grass is heading out.  Hey, it is green.

    The farm trucks have begun hauling in corn.  It is said to be testing out at 26%.  If farmers were going to store their own corn, it wouldn’t take long to run it through a dryer.

    I have spent quite a bit of time in my bedroom porch today, either reading or stitching.  Watching traffic as well.  Surprise, surprise there goes the little red pickup . . . here comes the little red pickup.  Too funny.

    It seemed at times this summer we were humping the days to get the job jar empty before cold weather.  We may very well have worked ourselves out of tasks.  This afternoon when I was sweeping the back steps off, I was very grateful not to have to spend any amount of time outside as the boxelder bugs are just plain nasty.

    If the weather cooperates and we do spend some time tomorrow at the blue barn acre, it will be interesting to see if they are there as well.  There are no boxelder trees on the lot.

  • Noreen 2:14 pm on September 28, 2023 Permalink  

    The Sun 

    The sun made its appearance at noon and as if Dennis got the green flag at Indie, it was on.

    The Sears mower with new blades did a great job on the grass that got soft where it grew in the shade.

    My intent was to use the weed whip around the house.  I leaned it on the bench by the back door and put on garden shoes.  Hmm.  The weed whip never moved.

    I went to pull up a weed next to the picket fence.  Oh my gosh, with the rain, that weed pulled up great.  And . . . so did the next one and the next one and so on and so on.  

    After several hours I called “Uncle.”  I made huge strides in all that could get pulled.  With my trusty six inch rake I pulled all that unwanted stuff into a windrow to the backyard.  Just as if we had made plans ahead of time, Dennis came and ground my pile of weeds up and the wind did a pretty good job of scattering said stuff.

    Dennis did use the weed whip and the area around the house looks great.

    I took out a package of vegetable beef soup this morning.  Great supper plan.

    By the way, we never made it west to Windom yesterday for supper.  As we were heading west, the A & W sign beckoned us at Mountain Lake.  The burgers were good and the A & W was fantastic.  

    The blue barn acre wasn’t on the schedule for mowing today.  If Dennis breaks up the time he sits on a jiggling lawn mower, his back feels better.  Not to worry, the sun is going to make a return visit tomorrow.

    Also, one more . . . by the way.  Today is international “Son’s Day.”  Let me tell you . . . the kid I have is on my calendar every day as a. . . one of a kind.  He has the heart of a warrior, a mind that knows no puzzle and the soul swelling with kindness and gentleness.  The Old Adam did not spoil what he is.

  • Noreen 1:53 pm on September 27, 2023 Permalink  


    A mist of rain as late as this forenoon.

    With no mowing for today, we did drive over to the blue barn acre this forenoon.  What looked like a galvanized metal ring buried around one of the older trees, needed a second look.  Sheets of galvanized tin used in grain bins were usually 24″ or wider in width.  Dennis took ahold where he could see the ends overlapped.  Hmm.  The width of this was about 8″.  It pulled out of the wet dirt easily . . . the entire length.  It is still about 20′ of it in length.  Who knows when this was put in and around.  Our small two-wheel trailer will be needed to get rid of it.  Where that location will be, is yet to be determined.  There are also four cement blocks and portions of them next to a group of trees that need to go onto the same load.  Oh yes, there is an older small television in the south line that also needs to go.  Those items are the extent of what will be loaded and out of there this year.

    When we drove into the driveway of the blue barn acre from the Hammond HWY, the acre looked palatial.  Seeing the acre through from all angles . . . sweet.  We have come a long way since the demolition of the actual barn this spring.   All costs of clearing the acre have been paid for.  Tightening our belts did the trick.  We made sure the assessor’s office has taken the barn off of the records.

    Dennis kidded me that all I have shopped for this 2023 year has been groceries.  I did purchase fabric for the two twin sized t-shirt quilts but was reimbursed when they were picked up.  He thought one of these days I would be due for some retail therapy.  Nope . . . I can’t think of a single thing I need. 

    Dennis did decide we’re going west for supper.  West to Windom.  Friend Dewayne has mentioned to Dennis, that he and his wife go there often.  A road date for sure. 

    Sun will be out tomorrow and so will the mowers in our neighborhood.  Dennis has been chomping at the bit.

  • Noreen 1:20 pm on September 26, 2023 Permalink  

    The Pattern 

    We waited a long time for rain and now we seem to be in a pattern of it.  The sun does its best, but can’t pull it off.

    We have an awning on the west side of our home.  When we put the front deck on the house, my old office chair is sheltered enough by the awning that the chair’s seat would stay dry during rain showers.  In taking my breakfast cup of coffee out to the deck after a shower of rain, I have three of the decking planks that have remained dry so I can wear my slippers.  Made to order.

    In between the showers, there was a ballet of leaves that fluttered to the ground.  With no wind, there was no hurry into their twisting and turning.  The season is upon us of more such events.  Though we now have rain that is soaking into the lawns and flower beds . . . for some the dry heat took away any chance of recovery.  Famous last words, “There is always next year.”

    This year I had cut back on what needed tending.  Next year may be a repeat performance.  My years of seeking and searching plants to fill out the flower beds is gone.  I am finding joy is the smaller scene.

    The area of he Russian Sage is a total wonder.  The rain has tipped over the heavier stalks, giving way to some smaller ones closer to the house foundation.  The pollinators don’t care. They are in the thick of it and they are on the top of the stalks as well as on the bottoms of the stalks.  Don’t even think of messing with them.  The sage is within three feet of our front deck and it is a marvel to take the activity in.  The pollinators start early in the morning and are still going at it long past supper time.  Even the wasps have been seen checking out the blossoms.

    One thing I have not missed this summer is mosquitoes.  I think we missed the gnat season as well.  The black flies have made up for all of them.  I would have a hard time counting how many fly swatters we have about the place.  Nasty devils.

    This noon Dennis walked the front yard to see if the toes of his shoes indicated if the grass was dry enough to mow.  About that time, a hefty shower of rain fell.  Maybe tomorrow the pattern of rain showers has moved on.

  • Noreen 4:42 pm on September 25, 2023 Permalink  


    This Monday feels like a snooze day.

    Nothing on the calendar and nothing on the local effort docket.

    I have decided on one thing.  When things dry up a bit after now learning we had two inches, I will be back helping Dennis doing the pick up sticks deal.  At least I will feel like I have accomplished something and then . . . having some body discomfort.  Today, I have had nothing accomplished and the body discomfort still reared its head.

    Life is still sweet and no one ever said it would be all a bed of roses.  Adam took care of that in the garden.

  • Noreen 1:14 pm on September 24, 2023 Permalink  

    Rain Drops 

    We got home from Mankato about four yesterday.  There were rain drops now and then.  It didn’t take long for the rain to get its act together.  After all was said and done, the gauge registered at 1.5 inches.  Slow and steady.

    I am doing something I have never done before via the crockpot.  I browned a pound of 80/20 ground beef right in the covered crock pot.  I then added cans of three different beans, black, kidney and white pinto.  Seeing as how we bought ketchup at Sam’s Club . . . three to a plastic collar and each is huge, I added the Heinz and chili powder.  That was it.  It has simmered since 9:30 this morning.  I like the taste of it.  If this gets a passing grade at supper, I call it easy.

    There is no doubt that this rain will bring out the hum of the mowers.  I know that during the month of August,  no money was spent to mow crispy brown spears.

    A new week tomorrow and the last week in the month of September.  Time slips away.  The good thing is that the older ones on Stauffer have a goodly amount of local effort to put on the table.

    Catch you all tomorrow.

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