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  • Noreen 3:37 pm on January 24, 2024 Permalink  

    A Chill in the Air 

    At 33 degrees I can feel chillier than when it was a minus zero.  It may all be in my imagination.  That does go off on its own sometimes.

    Dennis is doing what I so appreciate . . . running errands in his little red pickup.  Dennis had several prescriptions of his to pick up at Lewis Drug. There were several letters to pop into the mail.  The quilt that I have mentioned needing to be at the UPS depot will soon be scanned and ready to travel.

    Did anyone anticipate or expect that this quilt had been done . . . no.  Why wouldn’t I give back the fabric that had been intended to be a quilt.  Alex Trettin’s grandmother felt she had many more quilts in her.  Our tomorrows are not promised. 

    When Dennis had first mentioned putting a car cover on the Lincoln after it had had a wash and wax job, I didn’t know how I would feel about not being able to use the car when I felt like it.  It has gone well.  When I see cars going by covered in salt slush . . . it was a good thing.

    This is a chicken noodle soup and sandwich night for supper.

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 2:56 pm on January 23, 2024 Permalink  

    Tuesday the 23rd of January 

    All is well with my soul.  It may be a day where the temps in the 30s are wasted with the lack of the sun.  I just put my head down and took the day as it came.

    When we have stocked up on groceries that we use all the time, it is important to me that they get tucked where they need to be in the pantry.  October of 23 is a prime example. 

    We had purchased the huge container of toilet pater that has five packages of twelve rolls each.  Dennis had slid the huge plastic bag like a sled down the steps.  For several days, I was put off by Dennis as the huge plastic bag of tp was not getting on the shelves.  I finally decided to just get the deed done.  Unpacked and on the shelves in the cistern closet.  Tidy, tidy.  Two days latter we had water coming up the floor drain.  Hmm.  Talk about a heavy wet mess of tp that would have been.

    On that situation of October.  Today I received a follow-up from the city’s representor.  She was adamant that this needed to be followed up on.  In October of 23 the city had a huge project going at the waste water treatment plant.  The sub-contractor had errored in favor of us getting water back up on two separate days.  She had the documentation of the city employee that was at our home during the standing water as well as the information that the city employee felt bad that he couldn’t help us get the water soaked carpet up and out of the basement.  So . . . it is now in the hands of the sub-contractor to follow up and close this claim.  Interesting.  I plan on just letting this go and see where it takes us.

    We are having one-pan beef enchiladas for supper.  A new experience for the kitchen on Stauffer Avenue. 

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 3:00 pm on January 22, 2024 Permalink  

    A Road Trip 

    I am here to tell you this Grammie got enough retail therapy to last for some time in Mankato.

    There were several stops other than Sam’s Club for groceries.

    At Harbor Freight, we scored a container with which to keep papers and such securely.  Kevin and Kersten did a great job endorsing it.  In aisle 8 on the very top of the shelf, the box waited patiently for a store clerk to retrieve it for me.

    There is a quilt that needs to be sent off at UPS.  Not a box in the studio to be found.  Hobby Lobby was on my list for such a box.  I now have the box and white tissue to wrap it in.  I will put it in a plastic white garbage bag in case it would get wet in transit.  The quilt fabric was passed on to me by Rita.  There is now her grandson that married last January and will be a new dad in June that will be receiving the quilt that I am sure his grandmother, Rita, would have done up for him.

    A stop at Goodwill will have to wait until next time we do a road trip.  I was tuckered and would be more so if Dennis had not been following me in Sam’s in a motorized cart.  My legs serve me well while Dennis’ arm do him proud.  What a duo we make.

    It’s great to be home safe and sound with the objectives met.

    The sun can shrink a lot of snow if it just stays out.  At 30 degrees with little wind, there is dripping going on.  Sure enough, it will freeze this evening to make the drips into . . . oops!

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 1:54 pm on January 21, 2024 Permalink  

    The Wind 

    The wind is now from the south.  During the night, I could hear the mail slot cover bang.  It did take me a minute to hear it again until I fully realized what it was.

    The south wind today is just as raw as some of the north winds had been.  These two oldies are staying put for the day.  Tomorrow promises a trip to Mankato.  The wind has a way of howling through the branches of the evergreen on the northwest corner of the house to make a sound like a blizzard.

    The morning brought a learning curve to the Grammie.  I had gone into settings of our Samsung to try and illuminate the script on the bottom of the television for most programs.  One thing led to another and low and behold I had the television in its default mode.  Let’s just start from scratch.  It was a good refresher on passwords for hooking to the internet, YouTube, and Hulu.  Couldn’t have done it without the prompts on the television, my laptop and my phone.  That got the cobwebs out. 

    I will go through the basement pantry to see what will go onto the grocery list for tomorrow.  Just for giggles, I may want to stop at Goodwill.  I had caught a comment on one of my YouTube channels in a certain department to look through.  You never know.

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 2:26 pm on January 20, 2024 Permalink  

    A Quick Month 

    Though it has been a cold month, for me the time has gone fast.  I stay busy for most of each day.  Decades ago I would visit my grandmother Laura at the time she lived in her little mobile home in Stewart . . . right across from St. Paul’s Lutheran Church.  

    Grandma had such a wonderful disposition.  She was wheelchair bound.  Arthritis had not many options for her compared to my time.  My dad, Raymond, and his brother Lester bought the mobile home for Laura and tricked it out so it was wheelchair friendly.  She could scoot her wheelchair right up to the kitchen sink as well as some cabinets.

    My sister Elvera and I took turns every Saturday helping with her bath, washing and setting her hair.  She would be going to church the next day, via my parents, with her hair looking good.  There is no age on vanity. 

    My greatest treasure of a lesson in life came from Grandma Laura.  Oh so often she would tell me that if God gives you a day, you shall have something to show for it.  It tickled me that grandma often used the word “shall” rather than could or would.  German had been her first language so hard telling how that “shall” had come about.

    Both of my children have an African, aka: afghan that Grandma Laura made for them.  No one ever had the heart to correct that sweet little lady about her Africans.  Grandma Laura had a way with her threads and fuzz.

    Today, I worked on some hand stitching in my bedroom porch.  It is still too cold to work in the studio comfortably.  The right time will come soon enough.  Many times I think of Grandma Laura and her tenacity as I share her love of thread and fuzz.  

    A time after I had had the stroke I knew from the school of hard knocks some things in my day-to-day life were never going to get better.  And . .  they didn’t. But I got better in my thinking and not dwelling on what I couldn’t do but finding ways and relishing all that I could do.  Thank you Grandma Laura!

    With that, Noreen Laura, is taking her leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 2:28 pm on January 19, 2024 Permalink  

    Another Dusting 

    We had another dusting of snow yesterday.  With the brisk wind that we have, I would not care to be out on the highways.

    Our household has settled in to a good routine.  Changing the furnace filter every month, should make the forced air furnace’s blowing a little cleaner.  That is up to debate here on Stauffer Avenue.

    Dennis made his rounds this morning about the town.  He returned with very little news.  Dennis does a drive around and I check Sturm’s Funeral Home online.  No news on either front is good news.

    Nephew Brett shared with Dennis the cost of some of his staples in our one and only grocery store.  High and going higher.  Brett also stocks up when in the big town.  Collier, the owner, clued Brett in on the rise in what pop is going to be in the next week or so.  I now know why Dennis’ root beer was not to be found in the store when we were there on Wednesday.  The entire selection was slim to none.  Selling down so when the shelves are restocked from his back storage room, it will be at the higher price.  Sneaking small town grocers thinking with small minds. 

    If the weather next week is to be on the mild side, I would ride shotgun on a trip to Mankato.  I do want to pick up a box that Kevin’s recommended for keeping personal paperwork at Harbor Freight.  Grammie is due some retail therapy.  Pre-Christmas was the last trip.  Dennis mentioned that the three kitties using the litter box non-stop, he has a shopping list as well.

    I did local effort this morning with the Swiffers.   A dusting is desirable outside as well as inside.  Dennis offered to make supper.  Fantastic.

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 2:48 pm on January 18, 2024 Permalink  

    A Bit of R&R 

    Rest and relaxation is all I have been doing.

    Yesterday late afternoon I was reading in my bedroom porch, perched upon the cherry red chair.  I moved my left arm to pick up a pen and I was glad I was already sitting.  The jolt of pain could have taken me to the floor.  The pain was on top of my shoulder.  I recall, Mike T, my physical therapist, telling me that sometimes when a body is at rest and a sudden movement can take a muscle over a tendon.  Hmm.  Wow!  I had no idea where to hold my arm to alleviate the discomfort.

    I made my way into Dennis’ bedroom.  Dennis uses gallon jugs of distilled water for his CPAP machine.  I bent over and with the left arm I picked up a full gallon of water.  I stood bent with my arm straight holding the gallon of water a bit off from the floor for some time.  Still bent over, I began moving and lifting the gallon by a small bit at a time taking my arm back and forth.  After what seemed like a long time when I stood up straight the pain had subsided.

    What did remain with my shoulder is that during the evening, it felt bruised.  Even today it feels sore.  Not to take any chances of stuff not going back to the default settings, r & r it is today.  I may not remember when I had the reverse shoulder surgeries, but last night was the first pain I had felt since that time.

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 3:12 pm on January 17, 2024 Permalink  

    Slow Day 

    We needed some groceries this forenoon.  I had forgot that Wednesday is Senior Citizen day.  The cold had an impact as the store was not as busy as some Wednesdays when I have shopping.  I saved $3.03 on my discount of being older.

    Dennis had an eye injection here in town this afternoon.  So thankful I don’t need that.

    My brother called.  When Calvin calls just settle back and listen to all the things that Iowa does wrong.  We don’t visit very often, so I sat back and let the visit roll.

    Supper is Dinty Beef Stew over left over potatoes.  It actually is pretty good as Dennis used heavy cream in leu of 2% milk in the spuds.  Same shaped bottles.

    The incoming mail is telling me that Tax Act will soon be needed.  Can’t wait to claim that additional $520.00 income from the state’s surplus of last year.

    It was about this time in January decades ago that our family and my sister’s family went sledding in the pastures at Beaver Falls.  We had picnic lunches to enjoy.  That was the last time I did a complete summersault.  They called them Banana Toboggans.  Of course they were yellow.  At that time both families had milk cows to head home for.  It was a fun time.  Memories.

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 2:52 pm on January 16, 2024 Permalink  


    The feeling of hibernation is coming upon me.  The front deck serves me well for getting deep breathes of fresh air.  Then . . . that’s all folks.

    I have no intension of putting myself in a state of illness these last months of winter.  It really is the last months.  The sun told me so.

    We have a pantry in our basement.  At one time it was the cistern for the closet next to it for water to be dipped out of for household use.  Dennis and his cousin Bruce knocked through the concrete cistern wall and thus a pantry was created.  Calvin had had dibs on kitchen cabinetry and we brought home four top units.  Two for the pantry and two for the garage.  A pantry storage for a small kitchen . . . perfect.

    I went to the basement pantry to bring up what I needed for the bathroom and kitchen.  Wow!  Through my slippers the concrete floor felt as if it were minus degrees.  There is no way the surrounding air in studio could be gotten warm enough for me to do any sewing.  We have tile around the perimeter of the studio and the cold air coming up from that narrow opening of the tile tells me I don’t have anything that needs doing in the studio right now. 

    As I perch in my bedroom porch, I so appreciate my cherry red chair.  My back and hips suffer not one bit from several hours at a time using it.

    I can’t help but notice the comings and goings in the neighborhood with windows on three sides.  It reminded me today of my parents sitting at their kitchen table over morning and afternoon coffee breaks.  They didn’t miss a trick of what went by on the township road from their short driveway.  In fact they could tell what was going on a section away to the north that had the tarred county road servicing it.  Gilbert Lickfett’s dooryard didn’t stand a chance of privacy.  Memories.

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 2:19 pm on January 15, 2024 Permalink  


    Hmm . . . a holiday.  I believe those that appreciate this day more than anyone is the postal people that don’t need to trudge from one house to another delivering our mail . . . which is mostly junk.

    What I have been having is Cheerios for breakfast.

    Cannot enjoy a breakfast of them without recalling the cleaning of St. John’s Lutheran Church of South Branch.  As we lived right next door, it seemed like a fit of some kind for us to take on the weekly cleaning.  Every once in awhile a fit could have been thrown when the floor of the last three or four pews on the north side were strewn with the all time favorite Cheerios as a snack for Elroy Mummie’s little ones.  Without fail.  Of course it was the pews on the north side as the men sat on the south side.  Memories.

    The town is quiet today.  No school traffic makes a huge difference.

    The walk-behind snowblower was not needed for this last storm.  I did hear that the week of the 23rd may have several temps in the 30s.  Bring it on.

    My bedroom porch has become my nest.  The south windows bring in good light for reading and stitching as well as sun warmth . . . when it chooses to shine.

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

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