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  • Noreen 2:14 pm on March 22, 2024 Permalink  

    Sniff, Sniff 

    We have a wonderful huge window on the west end of our living room.  At one time, it defined the west exterior wall.  The glass has the wonderful wavy lines in it and the top of the 70″ window has a frosted etched seaport scene.

    Quite a few years ago, Elvera and I went to the Odin Craft Mill nearby Ormsby.  I liked what I saw, she talked me into it.  I came home with a 30″ leaded glass design framed.  It sits and fits perfectly on the living room side window sill.  It affords privacy as my bedroom is on the opposite side of that window.

    This afternoon after all of my local effort for the day was done . . . sniff, sniff.  I washed the window with Windex.  The bottle has half Windex and half white vinegar.  I like the smell and I like the results and  I carefully washed both sides of the lead glass design.  Someone made a nice frame for it, but I don’t press my luck in cleaning it when I lay it onto the dining room table.  Any twisting of that frame and I could kiss my ornate window divider goodbye.

    Our snow from the early morning hours did not make an impression.  What may be coming over the weekend could clearly impress us all.

    The fire trucks headed out to the northeast with a grass fire.  The tankers have come back for additional water.

    I checked our area’s real estate market.  Nothing is in the works for an indication that putting our blue barn acre For Sale sign would be wise right now.  Dennis agreed and our sign has been parked until things take an upbeat trend.

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 1:49 pm on March 21, 2024 Permalink  


    We learned a lesson in tuna yesterday.  I have always bought Albacore canned in water tuna.  The last time we shopped, there was only StarKist tuna packed in water. 

    What a difference it made in Dennis’ tuna oven dish.  The tuna did not have a lot of heft to if.  Dennis couldn’t believe how mushy it was.  Nonetheless, it tasted like tuna and it made a great oven meal.  There will be a repeat this evening.

    In regard to the south bedroom windows, the shabby-ski coverings did not want to stay up giving privacy.  Rather than using our kitchen stool often to climb up and down, we decided this forenoon to go ahead, using 3M strapping tape, and put up the new blinds.  It is me that climbs the stool with Dennis having his hands on my butt.  We only need 10 days of strapping tape to hold.

    The day feels raw outside.  We may get snow over the night hours.  In reality, we really cannot complain.

    Dennis is on a one month of Amoxicillin.  Since Monday, I can already tell an improvement in the sinus that has been deemed chronic.

    I have some good afternoon hours for reading and stitching.

    Good thing our snow shovels are still by the back door.

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 1:41 pm on March 20, 2024 Permalink  


    Hello Peeps!

    Coming to you from Stauffer Avenue.

    A very good day is winding down to a midday break.

    Yesterday after a medical appointment for Dennis here in town, we motored on to Mankato.

    I visited Menards and purchased two more blinds, 72″ x 30″.  Sweet.

    Dennis took me out for an early birthday lunch.  Far enough away from the actual date, so I wouldn’t be concerned about what was needed done at home.  Sweet.

    On the way out of Perkins, Dennis made sure he picked up a bag that was waiting for him when he paid the check.  Last night we enjoyed carrot cake for dessert from Perkins.  I should say . . . last night and today for a noon snack.  Sweet.

    In regard to purchasing blinds.  I am requesting Kevin to put up blinds in four windows on my birthday.  Of course new blinds have different brackets than those of 25 years ago.  Kevin is in charge of taking the old brackets off and putting on the new.  How could I not want to wash the windows and woodwork off before hand.  Thank goodness for the silicone lubricant to help with pushing up the top sashing.  Hmm.  Hello outside!  Even Dennis noticed how nice it was looking out of clean window panes.

    A note on the installation of the blinds with brackets.  The window woodwork is 100 years old.  I put up brackets 25 years ago . . . how many other holes are there in the window woodwork?  

    The north windows have blinds taped up over them.  I didn’t bother opening the two blinds boxes for the south windows.  Those two windows have blankets taped over them with that great 3M strapping tape to hold them up.

    As I said, I am on a mid-afternoon break and Dennis is making tuna, pea, white sauce and pasta for supper.  Sweet.

    In part some of our home has been homogenized and we are ready for new dust.

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 2:40 pm on March 19, 2024 Permalink  

    One More Fierce Wind 

    We met with Dr. Hamm at our clinic in regard to Dennis’ sinuses.  A cat scan was negative for tumors.  A month month of antibiotics and time will tell.  Seeing an ear/nose throat fellow would be next.  Being allergic to something within our home would have taken care with the Flomax.  It is an ongoing situation.

    The wind is brutal to the point that staying upright is difficult. 

    Both of us had restless nights.  I had restless arm syndrome and Dennis was up blowing his nose.

    If we do get snow, I doubt it would be enough to help the drought scale.

    I am doing a short blog today.

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 3:24 pm on March 18, 2024 Permalink  

    A Great Day 

    This morning, I took the car and went to the grocer’s.  First time the car had been out of the garage since Thanksgiving 2023.  It felt wonderful

    The dentist here in town called this morning and on the 25th of March will be my first appointment in regard to having the last three real teeth out of my mouth.

    This Easter could well harken back to the Easter of 1966.  Orlin and I were hosting my entire family for Easter.

    —The day before that Easter I had been at Dr. Wegner’s dental office in Buffalo Lake, MN.  I had had the last of my top teeth pulled over the weeks prior.  The fittings that Saturday were in full gear via impressions.

    With no medical appointments when I became pregnant with our first child,  the baby took what it needed from me for nourishment.  I should have been on vitamins.  During the last two months of pregnancy, I had no front teeth.  Nothing could be done further with my teeth until after I had given birth.

    My dad, fantastic Raymond, gave us a small Holstein calf to raise to pay my dentist’s bill.  That didn’t happen over night.  About the time that Dr. Wegner was going to turn my bill over to the collection agency, the calf went to the Hutchinson’s sale barn.  Whew! 

    We had a great Easter Sunday with or without teeth.

    — That may well be the situation for Easter Sunday 2024.

    If that is the case, it won’t bother me one bit.  In those 68 years, the lesson is, . . . gathering for this Easter is to celebrate life with family.  Eating can be done anywhere, any time.

    Dennis is at the Legion Club this late afternoon and evening.  It is the annual Watonwan County Game and Fish Club’s annual meeting.  Dennis is in charge of all the give-away items for the kids that come with their parents.  He gets the biggest kick out of watching the diligence that some kids take in choosing a free item. 

    I have had a great day and seeing Dennis enthused about being out and about . . . perfect.

  • Noreen 2:05 pm on March 17, 2024 Permalink  

    A Few Flakes 

    A few flakes in the air that swirled but were never to experience landing.  That lasted about five minutes.

    Dennis’ grandson AJ came from Mankato for a short visit.  AJ also brought something that his grandpa had requested.

    I am not sure what will come of it, but shortly there will be a For Sale by Owner sign on our blue barn acre that AJ brought out.  We have talked it over and over.  Dennis and I have agreed on the price in case someone does ask.  As I said, we will see what comes out of it.  I put my phone number on the sign and Dennis will decide when he puts it up.  I think, signs by owners, needs to be out of the road right of way.  I know that holds true for political signage. 

    I called Aunt Janet in Brownton this afternoon.  I always wait until the afternoon as Janet tends to sleep in and I do mean . . . in.  Come to find out she stays up past midnight most nights.  All afternoon and evening, there are cat naps that she participates in.  Bless her heart.

    Cousin Mark called with a quilting question.  He keeps his hand in quilting besides his full time job at a printing facility.  He said it was still too cool to take his Harley out of the garage.  Today with the raw wind, I would tend to agree.

    One more evening meal of the chicken dish of last night.  Cranberries will make a good side dish.

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

    I am moving between stitching and reading. 

  • Noreen 2:39 pm on March 16, 2024 Permalink  

    Bloomer Day 

    This is a day where bricks in the bloomers, aka: underwear would be helpful.

    Sometimes in my day-to-day life, it seems like something is missing, but I can’t put my finger on it.

    Got It!  A wonderful phone call.  It beats a hefty shot of B12 any day.  They say that is what some people need.  Myself wouldn’t do well with a syringe stuck in my arm.

    As Dennis was running around with a nasal assist in his hand, it dawned on me.  “Dennis have you ever been tested to see if you are allergic to cats?”  Dennis has been telling me, he has had a sinus problem forever, and . . . he has been living amongst cats since the 1990s, right here on Stauffer Avenue.  Dennis is going see a new primary here in our clinic on Tuesday, and he thought that would be a good question to ask.  It would mean for us to go to Mankato, but if we can find out some answers . . . absolutely! 

    As I was poking around with our trusty vac, I spied with my little eye the windows in Dennis’ bedroom.  Down came the blinds on those two windows . . . choke, choke for dust.  The blinds hit the recycling and out came my cleaning supplies.  I know that there is going to be spring dust.  Well, we have had a lot of winter dust and wind storms.  We will start out with new dust.  By nightfall, I will have temporary window covers on.  I know we can’t get the heavy panes where they should be for locking.  Another half inch we would have had it.  I know that in fifteen days help will be here to lock those windows.

    Last night, I took out of the freezer a frozen glass dish of chicken hotdish for our supper this evening.  Good going Grammie.

    It’s time to tidy up some things in Dennis’ bedroom.  Most serious falls happen in our people’s own homes.

    I know that this fierce wind does not let the outside air feel like 44 degrees.  So be it.

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 1:23 pm on March 15, 2024 Permalink  

    Good Grief 

    As appointments were becoming fewer and fewer . . . not!

    I have a phone call into our dentist here in town.  I have worn a bottom partial for decades.  Hmm.  The stress of the appliance hooking onto my real teeth is finally taking its tole.  I am committed to having the last three teeth, one is already lose, pulled and having a full bottom plate made.  Such is life.

    This morning, I finished the last of the questions that Megan needed for her ten page life story of her Grammie.  When I emailed it to her it was good news that it was received.  Megan got to Minnesota on Tuesday from college.  She spent Wednesday with us.  As we were texting back and forth, I asked her when she was headed back to Virginia.  Yesterday was Thursday and she was back in her dorm room last night.  Wow!  The time frame allowed us to know how important this assignment was for her.  Get the info and get back to college.

    What an amazing young woman that visited us.  She knows her own mind but is not cocky about it.  Not like her Grammie that is cautiously reckless.

    It is a bit chilly today compared to what we have had.  We need to stay real about this weather.  There is bound to be less than good days coming our way.

    I looked out the bathroom window and Dennis is napping with a kitty lying on his chest.  Sweet.  I am thinking of visiting my rocking chair and closing my eyes, checking the eyelids for cracks.

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 2:18 pm on March 14, 2024 Permalink  

    Clouds on a Thursday 

    I am not sure how this happened, but I have not found time to get dressed today.

    I wanted to spend time on a request from Megan for a term paper.  A phone call to Fairfax was on my agenda.  Some items that we bought last week at Menards was niggling me.  That is how the majority of this cloudy day has gone.

    Megan and her three additional friends will be moving off campus and moving into a three bedroom apartment as of May 1st.  I think there will be a moving trailer leaving Eden Prairie heading to Lynchburg for the event.

    It may be that a cedar chest will need to be moved from the attic on Easter by Jeremy and Nicholas as Megan may very well not live in Minnesota.

    I have need of two 1″ aluminum blinds to be secured on Easter.  There were some slats broken on the very aged brittle plastic.  Those are the items from Menards that were itching me.  Hmm.

    They are the same size but of course what the blinds should fit into that is screwed into the window frame has had an update.  Well, well.  One of the old blinds is in the recycling bin.  The said window has been cleaned on the inside as well as the window woodwork.  I love how the new blind looks on the window.  No cords needed.  A push button on the bottom of the blind lifts and lowers.  Talk about high tech! 

    The rest of the story . . . get ready for it Kevin!  3M strapping tape is holding that blind into, on and around the old holders.  I trust it will hold until Easter.

    The entire process didn’t go too badly.  Tomorrow I will tackle cleaning the window by the dining room table.  Oh so satisfying.

    I think the rain has passed us by.

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 3:48 pm on March 13, 2024 Permalink  


    The close of this day is fast approaching.  I am overwhelmed at the day I have had . . . we have had.

    Megan arrived this forenoon for her first solo visit.  It may have been a long time coming, but this was the best.

    She will have her four year degree completed in three years this coming May.  Amazing with a 4.0.

    It may be some time before we can visit again as she and three additional gals will be moving into an apartment near campus in May.  Hmm.  Megan plans on keeping her job over the summer at the Texas Roadhouse as a hostess.  Megan plans on pursuing her Master’s degree.  Hats off.

    It was time for the trip back home.  Having her spend a day of her spring break with us was wonderful.  She got home to Eden Prairie yesterday.

    Megan helped me plan the Easter Sunday dinner.  I know as long as it is also my birthday on the 31st, the menu was mine to plan.

    Dennis and I will be serving:  Johnsonville pre-cooked beef brats and buns, bar-b-q and buns, baked beans, chips and dips.  A yummy spring dessert.  Anyone coming can add a favorite of their own.

    I will be smiling all through till bed time.

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

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