Pacing Myself
It’s a holiday to many. Today is a day for me to keep moving. It’s the best health tip of the day.
This winter when Dennis fed the deer under the Maple tree, we were showing a good crop of greenery among the Hosta. No . . . I didn’t get it all taken out, but I did get the black soil showing in a fairly large spot. We had five inches of rain last week and now with another four tenths over the last two days . . . it’s a bit wet and muddy in some spots. After I needed to put on a lighter weight and cooler shirt, it was time for a break on the patio.
It didn’t take long and we had Harriet and Snuggles lying under our lawn chairs. They also needed a break. I was surprised how much traffic there was and it was enjoyable to sit back, take it in and have the scent of Lilacs drift by.
After a lengthy break and having had a good lunch, I had one spot on the patio porch that needed some TLC in regard to scraping paint. With that done, I do believe I am done scraping and steel brushing paint chips. I have been working on that project over the last three weeks. A little bit at a time and it counts up. Didn’t hurt myself doing it and now it is done . . . ready for the next step. I will admit that paying someone for work that I can do, doesn’t make much sense. I have more time than money.
Dennis had wanted to go to Mankato today for supplies. I felt we needed a break at home. Dennis has been on the go for several weeks with staining whatever surface he could find that could use Cedar stain. We now have a stained bench, a post with a decorative piece of garden art on it, a hefty wood bridge in the backyard as well as Roger the Moose made out of a cedar power pool. It all looks as if someone cares to keep things tidy . . . and Dennis does it well.
Dennis had dug through the salvage yard of our fellow that does field tiling for some scraps to help out as tree surrounds to guard against rabbits that love to chew on bark. Dennis scored and the hand off was well received and appreciated. When I take notice the legs are a bit wobbly on the ole cowboy, especially after climbing off and on the Cub-Lo-Boy for mowing the acre, it’s time for some rocking chair time in the patio porch watching the Rural Farm Channel. Pacing Dennis is just as important as it is pacing myself. Knowing the limits is important for both of us. It’s not much fun shopping for supplies in Home Depot if one is tuckered. Dennis has learned the joys of riding the battery-driven shopping carts and Home Depot will be open tomorrow.
It’s the end of the day and I will comply with Dennis’ request for a light supper . . . a fried egg sandwich with a dish of vanilla ice cream to follow into the evening. Sweet!