October gives us another great sunny day!

The Porch Warmed by the October Sun
October gives us another great sunny day, but I am very happy to have the house plants in the porch. As warm as it looks I wouldn’t want to stand around outside for very long as 45 degrees with a brisk wind is goose bump weather on bare arms.
The best of both worlds is the warmth that the garage porch captures during the day from the sun, and the cooler temps outside will help capture the fresh air smell in the quilt that will last longer than any fabric softener.
When Dennis heads for his recliner he reaches for his red patch lap quilt – automatically. For the 20 years of use it is sporting a few little spots where mending has taken place, but I can’t imagine him giving it up any time soon. Hmm. His profile is a bit like Charlie Brown’s friend Linus.