Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained –
Nothing ventured, nothing gained. For me working with two-part epoxy paint was just as much of a challenge as a man walking on the moon. I was fearful. The two wonderful closets in the basement have always had carpeting on them. The rough cement floor invariably shuffle off concrete dust. The last of the heavy rains also made the last of me dragging out pieces of carpeting from the two closets.
I took counseling from Kevin. That pointed me to Sherwin Williams Paint Store in Mankato. The fellow eyed me up after I had made my request, as if I really didn’t understand what I was asking to buy. At that time I didn’t. I took my two pails home and began reading online and watching YouTube videos. I ask you . . . when is the best time to be mixing a two part epoxy job? I already had the floors prepared several weeks ago. The cans have been in the
basement for almost two weeks. There never is a best time for a project such as my closets, but by gum . . . today was the day. Dennis rode shotgun, staying in the basement in case I had an issue with the fumes. Neither closet has circulation. It was a matter of having as many fans going in the sewing studio as we had. The only negative was a blister on my index finger of my right hand. Pushing down on the roller to fill all the pits took its tole.
The project is done and it can take as long as it wants to dry . . . or does epoxy cure? No matter. I have all the time in the world. I can stand in the doorways and know that I ventured forth and gained a floor surface that can withstand water in the event that Moses sends out a decree. The closets aren’t fancy but they sure come in handy with a small home.