Not in the Plan
It was not in the plans for Dennis to need a doctor’s appointment while he is awaiting the Feb. 27th surgical date to have the right carotid taken care of. Sure enough . . . Dennis felt wore out, slept a lot, ached all over with chills and some congestion that was deep in the lungs. Hello . . . did that ring a bell or what. First thing this morning I was on the phone to the clinic to make an appointment for him. Dennis’ symptoms had been told to me in the recent past and that was diagnosed for that person as Phenomena. We are not doing the Vicks Vapor Rub cure-all on this. No matter how thick he slathers it on . . . come on, get real, it’s not a miracle rub. The only thing it really is is it is hard to wash out of clothes. Grease stains that will be there until the neck band falls off the the rest of the shirt. From times past there is one tee shirt that has been sacrificed for multiple washings and multiple wearing. Tomorrow morning was the first appointment I could get for him. We need to get this nipped in the bud.
I have been very fortunate this winter. Of course Dennis says I am too mean and stubborn to get sick. Hey . . . if that is what it takes, I’ll take a second helping of that. All of his napping has put a few of our plans on hold. I quietly have been in the sewing studio putzing away on the latest scrappy quilt. It went fairly well. I don’t know if I will be up for such a huge project again in the near future, but it sure took care of a lot of scraps. I call it the Paisley Scrappy quilt as there are a lot of paisley fabric scraps in it. The 8 inch border around the outside is paisley, and JoAnn’s Fabric had 108″ wide paisley for the backing. The top was 95″ x 105″ and I was very pleased how everything just fit. Squaring things up on the backing, batting, and the top on two church tables, it could be a real gamble. Paisley is one of those print
s that either you like it a lot or you hate it. I grew up in Mom’s home where there could never be enough paisley. After today there needs to be some serious vacuuming. Try as hard as I might, there are threads everywhere.
So it is about that time of the day when this mean stubborn . . . you might as well add German as I know . . . he is thinking it as clearly as if there were a ticker tape strip going across his forehead . . . closes down the sewing studio for the day.