Not a Nice Day

For me it was not a nice day and I didn’t even have to do much outside.  Dennis decided to mow and I wanted to help by picking up the downspout around the perimeter of our home.  We have PVC pipes as down spouts.  I couldn’t stand them upright but I did get them off to the side on concrete.

Dennis finished mowing shortly after twelve noon.  Oh my gosh, I watched from afar.  The dust just rolled.  The rain dances are deemed a failure.  Even if we get rain this weekend, the grass will continue to struggle as the weeds do not.  All I could do was give moral support.

Yesterday I had picked up a 6.5 lb. shoulder pork roast that I cut in half when we got home.  One half went into the freezer with the other half being put in a gallon sized zip bag. I marinated it overnight with teriyaki sauce.  I flipped the bag over every time I came near the refrigerator.  This morning the roast and the remaining contents of the bag went into our small crockpot with the low setting.  I must say this mid afternoon it has a good aroma.  Giving Dennis ample time to rest and shower, we will have a later supper than usual.  I have a bag of seasoned diced precooked potatoes to go with the roast.  Cranberries will top it all off.

Having kept an ear out on Dennis and the mower, I headed to the studio this forenoon.  My goal was to get the second quilt top sandwiched.  My weights came in handy to keep everything held down and squared.  I did do some pinning as well.  Having done the first quilt in the same fashion, I now know, I need not do quite as many safety pins on each of the sixteen blocks as I had done prior.

My prayer and wish for everyone is to take the afternoon heat carefully.  The highest temp often comes in the late afternoon.  Nothing is as important than our wellbeing.  Rest and hydration so the morrow can be taken on.