Not a Fan

So not a fan of the snow that we got overnight and into the forenoon.  I was partial to the greens and the browns.  It didn’t take long for the streets and sidewalks to get slick once the plows packed it and then shaved it down.

I believe I can feel the end of the PT tunnel.  It has been a longer journey than I had first thought.  Keeping active has always been easy for me.  Since the events of February there had been more sedentary time than I had realized and when I was ready to shift gears the body had made it known, it was not happy.  We are having more happy days than not.  I intend to do everything I can to keep it that way.  After all, my favorite snow pusher is right out the back door.  Not to worry, I will not be offering my time at any of the neighbors.  Dennis has first dibs with the driveway and I am cleanup by the doors.

A checkup at the eye clinic in town today was to determine if the stroke had caused my peripheral vision to be impacted in my left eye.  Amazing how medical science has evolved.  At this time, all seems well. 

By the time the appointments had been met for the day, the studio lights will have to wait until tomorrow to be turned on.  I did take the opportunity to catch up on phone calls to aunts.  Lorraine in Arizona is doing well in her 90th year.  Janet in her 88th year in Brownton is now off the clock from helping her farmer bachelor nephew with kitchen duties.  It takes so little time to let them know they are thought of. 

The evening is coming soon with gray skies.  Very little wind in allowing the snow to lie where it fell.  That was all Dennis needed to try out the snowblower that he recently had tuned up after bringing it home from Kevin’s shop where it was not needed.  Though a new carburetor was put on, it needs to be used to get it running smoothly.  Hmm . . . just like me.  I need to be active to let my body know how to stay tuned up.