No Time for Sewing

I think it has been a week since I have had the sewing machine running.  My idea is to get all the “have tos” done and then I will play with the sewing machine.  With this Indian Summer, there seems to be odds and ends to do or help out Dennis with outside.  I am more than happy to help.  Whatever can be taken care of in the potting shed, the garage work bench or in the patio porch without getting fingers cold . . . I am all in.  In short time we had Dennis’ tick list completed.  He headed for the rocking chair in the patio porch and I headed in to see what Saturday work needed attention.

With a forced-air furnace and flannel bedding . . . there is no short supply of lint and fuzz in the house.  Once Dennis was finished outside he came in looking to see what he could help with.  He took a swipe at the new litter of dust bunnies under the beds while I stripped the beds and headed for “day two” in the laundry.  I remember what Carrie once told me about toilet paper.  Charmin is the lintiest of any other brand.  I concur. The sun streamed into the octagon window in the bathroom while I was tending the washing machine that we have in the bathroom. The oak mopboard woodwork had a soft white layer of Charmin lint.  At the time, Charmin was all our local store had and beggars can’t be choosy. 

We had an abundance of coolers and cold packs that we had used when our new refrigerator was in transit and while it had a chance to cool.  Today was time to take the cold packs back down into the basement refrigerator. 

What came flooding back to me was about 1974, we were living in a comfortable mobile home outside of Buffalo Lake.  Orlin worked shift work at 3M and there were 3M products available to employees.  With two kids it’s amazing how much Scotch tape can be gone through.  What was also a good product were the gel-packs that could be kept in the refrigerator for aiding when there were boo-boos.  There was a certain day when things went south.  One of the gel-packs had been used on Kevin the night before when we tucked him into bed.  Before I got it retrieved the next morning to put it back in the refrigerator, Kevin decided to see how much pressure could be put on the expandable soft pouch.  We found out that they do not take kindly to having a kid jump off of the bed and onto the gel-pack.  If you don’t experiment . . . it will always haunt you.  A very different product to clean up after.

Often, in what might seem to be mundane household chores for me, those memories sneak back that make me chuckle out loud. Priceless.

Our Saturday is winding down and it has been a satisfying day.  Any day that has produced local effort enhances our general well-being.  Dennis does often comment that every day something comes up to keep him busy, and . . . Dennis knows when I spy with my little eye something that has gone undone, I am happy getting after it to the best of my ability.  Hey, if I let one or two items go, and before you know it, I can feel overwhelmed.  Never fear, I don’t run out of things to do, that’s not the way of owning a home.