No Reprieve
This last week there has been no reprieve from the winds. I do remember not too many days ago, Dennis went out of the house wearing a jacket as the north winds made it the right thing to do. We had had four inches of rain and the grass was lush as the north winds blew through it.
As of late . . . wham . . . the hot south winds have descended and with not a hint of rain, the grass has responded by crunching under foot.
Now that the out-buildings have been painted, it was time to walk the back portion of the acre and take in all the small branches that have come down in the course of this last week. It was too many to walk back to the burning ring that Dennis has right off of the back patio. We picked up the large ones that looked good on a pile. The next size were the ones that were large enough to raise havoc with the mower blades. Onto the pile they went. I relied on my rake for the annoying ones as Dennis went to the patio porch to take a break. The pile is large enough for Dennis to take his pickup to the back and we will need to make a trip to the tree dump. That was the morning and by that time the heat of the day made us realize the trip to the tree dump would be another day. There won’t be any mowing in the next several days so the pile will have a chance to settle in as the winds blow over it. The pile has no chance of blowing away.
Yesterday after we had cleaned up all things related to painting, we did take one more thing off of the tick list. We have mentioned for years that rock was needed in between the pickup garage and the potting shed. It would surely allow for a layer of drainage with the rain and the melting snow and less black dirt to splash on the siding. Dennis made a trip to the city shop and cleared the fact that we would be purchasing some rock from the city off of the stock pile not far from Stauffer Avenue. With the back of the pickup full of pails . . . off we went. We chose the same rock that is used for street work. The river rock is such that it is hard to navigate over when it would need to be walked over between the buildings. As I mentioned . . . one more item off of the tick list.
I rummaged around in the potting shed and came up with a new look for the newly-painted potting shed wall over the Koi pond. Re-purposing items from times past . . . you can’t beat it. Dennis likes it as it looks tidy.
This afternoon, with the heat having settled in, it is pretty quiet here on Stauffer Avenue. True to our form, we tackled the worst first . . . that being the branches that needed to be corralled. We have agreed on Tacos for supper.