No Rain
A few areas got well needed rain . . not so much for us. Dennis got the hose out to water our new shrubs as well as the two huge house plants that are sheltered under the Lilacs. The leaves on the ornamental crab tree look shriveled today with the hot dry wind.
My heart rate does increase a bit getting the bra on each day. Hey . . . I feel totally dressed up with no where to go. The walker and I take a stroll down the drive and back, around to the patio in the back and then enjoy a cup of coffee with Dennis. It sure beats walking hospital halls.
We had a visitor on the patio today and was questioned how I had avoided the swing bed in our hospital after being released as they would have started rehab immediately. The first time my children met with the cardiac surgeon, the message was that when they released me it would be to my home for me to continue recovery. Swing bed staff, sorry to say, are not aware of what to continue with in regard to heart surgery. When leaving Saint Mary’s, I had the real deal instruction.
I believe from experience of the stroke, you are put in a swing bed and there you stay until you are lucky enough to have a nurse answer your call light.
I am not to be pain free or not winded upon moving at this stage of the game. I have lots of time to let my body heal from one hell of a job that the surgeon did.