New Snow and Cold
When new snow comes and needs to be moved and it is one above zero, it is quite the combination. The snow was dry and light. Dennis and I used the pushers and we now have clear concrete. Once tires meet snow on concrete . . . it is ice and will take forever to get it cleared. I do remember a time when I was going to step into the car and my remaining foot slipped on the ice pulling my foot and leg to slam against the rocker panel of the car. Owee, owee.
It is not the type of weather that a road trip is a good idea for sewing notions. I turned my button tree around
and around and could not find what I needed for a project. That had me at a total stand still. Turning in circles, I surveyed the sewing studio. I spied beads and man they were little. When I got to the area where the office supplies were, I did see something I hoped would work. Pairing up brass office supplies and beads may be just the ticket to continue with. It will be quite time consuming . . . where do I think I am going in such a hurry.
Dennis just came in and mentioned there were more snowflakes in the air. We may be in for a bit more snow pushing tomorrow. Slow and steady will get the job done.