Need For Speed – Not!
There are things I can breeze through with my eyes almost shut or have one eye on the T.V. and the other eye on the sewing projects. I am at a point in my scrappy project that needs both eyes and no speed. My Dad’s favorite saying, “You don’t have time to do it right, but you always have time to do it over, ” definitely applies now. It also means that I do take a lot of breaks away from the sewing room to rest the eyes and the back.

I know taking my time at this stage of the scrappy quilt will pay off in the long run. Self satisfaction is a good thing.
The chain sewing is finished and now comes the step that will make the difference between a throw for puppies to rest on or a quilt worth being enjoyed for many decades to come. The two-patch became a four-patch under the needle of the sewing machine. That is not to say all four patches are the same. Different scrapes cut differently depending on the what the count of the cotton . . . 250 threads per inch – compared to 480 count per inch. As fabrics are feed through the sewing machine they need to have a second look. That being said, each four-patch needs to be tidied up, thus making more scraps out of the scraps.
Taking a break yesterday from the sewing room, I got online and asked for a quote from the Overhead Door Company out of Mankato. The overhead door for Dennis’ pickup garage has had a few – bordering on a lot of – bandaids on it, and it is now time to face up to the fact that nothing lasts forever. The rails have been stressed each time the door took a dump by going either up or down out of sync. Winter is coming and we need to have assurance that the door will go up when it needs to, and will go down when it needs to. The furnace in the garage would pump its heart out if the door failed during the cold temperatures. We did get an opinion from a carpenter who we have a lot of confidence in. Time for replacement after 28 years.
In a timely fashion I received a quote via e-mail today from the company in Mankato, and now the local lumberyard will have a chance to bid on the self same request for Dennis and I to make comparisons. We have decided to have a steel insulated door to be put on. The quote from Mankato had four different door estimates with four different levels of R-value, ranging from 7.4 to 17.5 with many other aspects covered in the estimate. Very well stated. We know our old garage is not without challenges of air leakage, but it sure was nice to have it all laid out with choices. Time will tell. In the meantime, the little red Ford pickup will have to sit in the driveway. It is all about consumer be aware.
There is more on Stauffer Avenue to contemplate than what may meet the eye. Making a speedy decision is not in the cards. It has been a good day that began with a workout at the Super 8 pool. We need to stay in shape to take on whatever rears its head. Dennis and I are prepared. Priceless.