My Time

My time has gone well today.

Several goals have been met on the first floor of Stauffer Avenue.  It always makes me feel good when I can balance out my day and my energy.  Chased and caught a few dust bunnies that were hiding under a small cabinet in Dennis’ bedroom.  Gottcha!  Several threads were put into my stitching that I am working on in my bedroom porch.  I then headed to the studio.

All things considered I am doing well with my creative “Cork 101.”  Sometimes I get a pouch done in a day, sometimes it takes longer.  Where in the heck am I going!  I even got a few eyeglass cases done out of some scraps.  Thus far, I am only using the scrap pieces of Amanda’s cork, fitting a zipper to the scrap, ending up with no two pouches alike.  The large pieces of cork, some measure 27″ x 32″, are still in their cellophane bags. 


This evening’s supper is chili that has been taken out of the freezer and a grilled cheese sandwich.  Where, oh where, did ketchup on grilled cheese sandwiches come from?  It’s a Curry thing, not mine.  I will admit that I bought several frozen dinners during one of my trips to the local grocery store.  When I have had a day, Dennis gets his choice out of the freezer.  It is then paired with some apple sauce.  As I make sure it has become table-ready with my digital thermometer, I have tasted the sauces or the potatoes.  Frozen dinners have come a long way when I read the labels.  Those evenings I indulge in oatmeal with a toss of flax meal on top, also paired with apple sauce.  This Grammie is over stressing out of serving a hot supper.  Sweet.

With that I will take my leave. ♥