My Solo Day

There were appointments to be kept.  The alarm was set and it served both of us well as today is Dennis’ coffee date day with the fellows at McDonald’s.

My first appointment was at eight at physical therapy.  I have assured Mike that the pack mule antics of mine that have included outside work and most recently the fall house cleaning work is now completed.  It’s time to chill, jell and whatever it takes to take it a bit easier.  I am sorry, but in regards to the house cleaning, when I know what is visible, you dang well know there is more that cannot be seen until you clear the area.  I have seen, I have attacked and I have conquered.  From here on in, as of November 15, 2019, we are now collecting new dirt and new dust bunnies.

In May I had a procedure that took out and off skin cancer on my right facial cheek.  Today was my six month checkup.  A total body scan was done.  When all was said and done, within my medical records, there was a photo gallery of various moles with the sizes noted.  I will be going back again in six months to see if there is an indication that one or any of them are suspect and have changed in color or size.  Fair skinned, blue eyed and with a tinge of auburn in my hair in my earliest days . . . the checkup will be honored.

When Dennis went for coffee, he was curious as to how much rain we had had over the ten hours that it came down.  Who knew!  No one had a rain gauge up for this time of the season.  The glass ones are the best and the glass ones tend to break if any moisture is left in it during freezing temps.  We live in ignorance and I am O.K. with that . . . on so many levels.