My Oh My

Today I put on my walking shoes to head out for a walk on Stauffer Avenue.  I got all of 100′ and then I hobbled back home to await my physical therapy appointment that was at one this afternoon.  Was I disappointed?  No.  I know my body . . . I know my body oh . . so . . well.  These tendons and muscles in my right hip have pulled this crap before.  It builds so gradually and then wham!  It takes time to work through their stubbornness.  Their stubbornness is buried keep in the chubby cheek.  I am not going anywhere and I know Mike T. will stick this out until all those hard marbles that are tucked into the depth of the hip are dissolved.  

Staying busy is the best medicine for me.  No point to whine and complain for what cannot be hurried.  I often think of my grandmothers . . . both suffered with degenerative arthritis.  There was no such thing as physical therapy to offer help.  Martha and Laura suffered from one day to the next while still maintaining a stiff upper lip. Look at me Grandmas! . . . my lip is stiff. I will get through this before the snow flies. 

Speaking of snow.  Montana was in a blizzard warning for the next day or so.  Did that ring a bell in Dennis?  His snowblower was out in the driveway today getting tuned up for the upcoming season.  Knowing we have the long green line right next to us is reassuring.  Randy does a great job.  I on the other hand am going to learn to put my nose prints on the windows and watch.  Dennis threatened to hide my shoes at the first sight of the snowflakes.  I believe I have learned my lesson and will be a non-participant.  Gosh it’s difficult to get something into a part of my brain.  That portion should have a neon flashing light . . . “Thous shalt not.” Maybe, just maybe, we will have a light winter.  We can dream, can’t we?