My Day

My friend June and I were going to head to the Lewis Drug this morning for our second shingles shot.  Not!  It could be given 60 days after the first shot.  Today was day #59.  Both of us had forgotten about February having 28 days.  We will try it again on Monday.  I have heard comments that the second shot causes some less than good feelings.  I did ask this morning if the second shot serum contains different ingredients than the first and the response was that both shots were the same.  Good to know.

June and I went back to her apartment and had coffee and a muffin.  

A stop at the grocery store for orange juice for Dennis.  Slowly the intake of nourishment is improving for him.  Actually . . . so is the feeling in his left foot.  Last night when I changed the dressing and cleaned the area he had to fight not to fidget.  Sweet!

The air today is cool but 41 degrees is a good thing.  After many appointments that have been cancelled since our shingling job of March 16th for the gutter helmet to be put back on,  April 4th is the new appointment.  It began raining the afternoon of that March 16th date, the weather has been miserable with ice and less than good conditions to be on a roof.

I stopped at the full service store here in town after the grocer’s.  Karen handles clothing, baby items, kitchen fare, greeting cards, jewelry and now shoes.  I needed a pair of new sneakers.  Those that I have are sad.  Yes washable, but after a while it takes a toll on their integrity.  Karen had attended a day at the purchasing market in the metro and had sat with Carrie and Megan.  Small world.  Carrie in the metro and Karen here in town . . . the best of both worlds.

A short stint in the studio this afternoon . . . that is always a good thing.  I believe that sometime soon, I will be able to have a full day with my threads and fuzz.  Be careful what you wish for . . . you might just get it.