More Straight Line Winds

The winds from the north are getting old.  Our flag and the neighbor’s stand straight out from the northwest.  Upon reflection . . . it still beats the storms.

Dennis gave me a car ride to our tax forfeit lot as the crew was loading up their equipment from the demolition.  What a fantastic job was done.  Denis feels relieved that a sad old dangerous building is no more.  As we took a tour via our car, it is amazing the amount of nice green grass.  Dennis always mowed the gal’s lot that was adjacent to this lot.  We now know Edna’s property is for sale as our 96-year-young gal is in Sleepy Eye in a care facility.  One lot that no longer needs Dennis to mow, trading off for our own additional lot to mow.  Did I mention that Dennis got new blades on his rider yesterday?

When we got home, I did pick up some garbage that has blown into our backyard.  Several branches are now on Dennis’ fire ring.  If ever there were loose branches in our trees, these winds would have brought them down.

The studio lights came on today.  Working in 45 minute increments, I have 24 firefighter’s t-shirts cut down to what I can work with.  One bag of garbage made up of sleeves, neck ribbing and such.  A second bag is labeled as “cotton rags” from the backs of the t-shirts.  With that . . . the lights were turned off for the day.  Slow and steady will be this project.

I know the farmers are out and about.  I can imagine the dust storms behind the areas being worked.  My plan is to wait until I can stand upright with little to no wind before I venture into my dirt.

This week should be a turning point in spring-like weather.