Mission of Barns Completed

A while ago I had posted a photo on Facebook.  It was one design of twelve that I had recently acquired.  It was well “liked.”  It was included in a collection of old barns with a quilt block in the gable of the barns.  Each barn was different with a different quilt block.  A day or so later I received a private message from my nephew, Larry Trettin’s wife.  Jennifer asked me about a Christmas present she would like to give her mom, Rita Roepke.  It was in regard to the barn designs.

I had never done anything for family members other than what I chose at random.  Jennifer’s request was unique.  Emailing back and forth, I agreed to help her out only on her condition that she wanted to pay for materials . . . plus.  The plus portion I did not respond to.

Barn-BlockBarn-pillow1-440x330Today, I completed the project.  Jennifer left it up to me as to what the finished projects would be.  I did two sofa pillows and a table runner.  I put a sleeve on the table runner so it may also be used as a 16″ x 40″ wall hanging . . . choices.   As Jennifer indicated she also liked the barn designs for herself. Time will tell what she chose for herself.

Stitched-Barns-440x330The wonderful part of this was that in my choices, I got to use up some fabrics out of my stashes.  Some of the fabrics were hand-me-downs and some were inherited from family members of stitchers.  Quilt batting from previous projects always are saved for just such a time as this.  The buttons for the pillows were fresh off the button tree from the Fairfax Team.  I will honor her in regard to what I actually purchased since her emails.  New pillow foam was on sale at Joann’s and a quick trip to the Old Alley Quilt Shop was incorporated when I met my cousin Chris there for lunch a week ago.  The rest of the story . . . lightens my load in the stashes.  As I was pulling out options, Dennis was thrilled to see some of the stash boxes get a bit lighter.

I always have my ears open when and if my kids may drop a hint as to what they could use or need.  That flow has dried up . . . for now.  I never know if there is some mending that may be needed.  I am up for challenges.  The latest challenge has been working with and sewing with reader glasses since August 5th.  My new prescription will be decided . . . next Tuesday!!  I can hardly wait.  Dennis will agree that I have sorely missed reading.  Cheaters just don’t do the trick for reading.  The sewing has cost me quite a few broken sewing machine needles, but a small price to pay for keeping me active and off Dennis’ case from time to time.  Hey!  Everyone is a winner!