Mission Completion
When Megan was a wee one, she watched Little Einstiens on VCR. Each episode had the cartoon group of characters solving mysteries. They were an educational series. At the end of every 30 minute episode they all gathered and announced “Mission Completion.”
Today Grammie had her own mission completion. The challenge that my friend Jan brought over is now back in Jan’s home, finished. The stuffed elephant will be a gift for their grandson’s baptism celebration. The challenge was for me to embroider the birth date and the baptism date into each ear. Yes, it was a challenge. Adjusting the size to fit the ear was the easiest portion. Sewing it onto the ear was a task. Dennis was right there to help adjust and move this huge stuffed animal under the throat of the sewing machine as I went around the design. Was it perfect? No. Was it the best I could do? Yes! Was Jan happy? Yes! In the end that was all that mattered.
Did I accept compensation for the time and materials? No. You can’t put a price on friendship. Dennis did help me with my shoulder exercises during and after the stitching and then the lights went out in the sewing studio. Break time!
It was almost a relief to come upstairs from the sewing studio to have a short break and then tackle the east wall of the kitchen for some deep cleaning of the storage shelves. Amazing!
In life there is nothing as precious as balance. Nothing can stand a chance of becoming ho-hum. That being said, I did enjoy getting involved in and having a mission completion day with the elephant. Would I like to do another such challenge . . . not for some time to come.