Majestic Hardly Covers It

Oh, so tall.
Taking advantage of a mild day with low humidity, I managed to transplant several perennials, closing down one of the far east flower gardens. The Autumn Maple Shrub and the Tiger’s Eye Sumac can now enjoy full occupancy. A bit of Round Up will take care of the Plumb Grass that was getting a bit full of itself. Using Round Up keeps it back from the Hostas, and on the opposite side, Dennis controls it with his lawnmower. I like it as a back drop to the Hostas in the east garden as it does get to be about five feet tall. In the fall the feathery heads wave in the breezes making it well worth waiting for. The birds love picking at the seeds within the heads. In times past, I cut some of the feathery heads and used it for a fall arrangement in the house. I took a break on the bench outside our back door. It was mild out, but working up a sweat is a good thing. I took time to take a good look at the Black Walnut tree right across Stauffer Avenue on neighbor Bob’s yard. It is huge, it is old, and it is more than majestic. The hip roofed garage of Bob’s that can be seen in the base of this photo is about 20′ from the base of this tree. Such treasures as this tree can’t be taken for granted.