Long Day

When I left this morning for an appointment, I didn’t plan on being gone for most of the day.  

I had an appointment at the dermatology clinic in Mankato.  Since I have had one spot on my face that needed to be carved out, I am on a yearly basis for a full body scan to make sure all is well.  The PA, Brenda has been seeing me for years.  Today there was one spot on the small of my back that she said needed to be looked at by the main man, Dr. Don Davis.  As I was not on his calendar for the day, I was asked if I wanted to make an appointment for another day or could I come back in three hours.  I took the three hours.  I had several errands I could run and I also have a very comfortable car to sit in and watch people.

The end result is that Dr. Don Davis took a biopsy of the area.  I will get the results in a matter of a day.

I am home and I am pooped.  I am not used to running around to various stops.  I knew it would be a good idea to have leftovers ready for supper. 

It is really heavy air.  Could we really be getting more rain showers.  Time will tell. I am very happy that I am not one to put off things in the medical department.  I know I am in good hands.