Life on Stauffer: Entertaining and Amusing
The morning temps are forecast to be in the 30s. That meant I have several plants to get cleaned up for storage in the porch. Yup, Dennis’ porch is going to get some extra baggage during the winter months. The three plants add a lot to the edge of the Koi pond during the nice weather. I was in and out of the porch, making sure all the dried leaves were plucked out of the pots and finding ways to protect the potting soil that is on the surface of the pots. For now, I was totally ignored by the cats. From experience, I know that cats love to see how much of the potting soil can be clawed out . . . my pots are definitely not to be thought of as an additional litter box. It does work to take a paper plate and make a slit, then enough cut out that will fit around the base of the plant and settle the plate down on the soil. Don’t worry, I have seen them check it out . . . foiled, score one for the grammie. There may be portions of the plants that will be scarified by spring. A bored feline knows no boundaries in the dead of winter. Hey, it has branches and it’s green.

A little paw can reach inside and cup the ping pong ball as swiftly as a small child. Fuzzy and Harry are entertaining and never cease to amaze us.
With all the commotion I was making, Fuzzy and Harry had other plans, as one or the other was bound to get the ping pong ball out of the circular toy. Ideally, the ball is batted about in the surround. Left on their own, the ball will be sprung free, then the chasing of the ball is on in the porch. There have been several balls, make that many balls, that have totally disappeared. Dennis has cleaned the garage and the porch from wall to wall several times and where the balls are, no one knows. Perhaps some time in the distant future a new owner of this abode will tackle remodeling this garage and porch. He surely will scratch his head at all the ping pong balls that show up.