Let the Sunshine In!

The sun still has some heat.  The sun is shining in through the windows and the Asian beetles are coming in clinging to our clothes.  

I have kept a bit quiet today.  The day after the first physical therapy session lets me know who was boss yesterday.  In limping around for more weeks than I should have, there are a few other areas that were compensating and now know it’s time to pay the piper.  I have been doing some reading in my bedroom porch and doing enough stairs to keep all systems moving.  Thursday is my next appointment with Mike T.

I have been rubbing the ink off of one of the pages of a quilt pattern book that I dug out of storage.  The key to the quilt pattern I really like is that there is a center tile of an image of Old Victorian Santas within each log cabin block.  I thought I had fabric coming in the mail of what I needed.  Not.  It was a yard of fabric alright.  The images were postage stamp size.  Bummer.  In the same storage area where the quilt pattern book came from, I remembered a Dover book I had ordered years ago when I did Cricut Christmas cards using the older Christmas memorabilia.  Various images of Santas, images of old Christmas cards and poems.  I knew I had used the printable ink jet fabric sheets when I did crafts with Megan and Nicholas years ago.   Wouldn’t you know it . . . I had one sheet left.  I did go to the sewing studio and had to see what would happen if I copied a page of the book having a Santa image onto that last fabric-backed sheet via the HP printer.  Dennis followed me and he was amazed how great it copied.  The colors were vibrant.  At some time the paper needs to be peeled off and the sheet needs to have cold water ran over it to set the ink.  I have the biggest challenge of this project nailed.  I will need to make sure I find the same product of the printable fabric when we go to Mankato sometime.  I am sure I had found it in JoAnn’s Fabric.  All that in due time. 

Dennis had a nephew from Windom come over today, and how can those two talk over guns better than going to our Home Town Café over the noon hour.  A good gab session always does the trick and is complete when Matt had a chance to look over Dennis’ stash.  There were even several that Matt ended up taking home with him.  You know how those “needs analysts” go. The end result was that Dennis assured me the new hot water heater that is being put in on Friday has been taken care of.  Sweet!

The electrical harness for the Cub-Lo-Boy came in the mail today.  Dennis and Dwayne have already made arrangements to work on the tractor here in the pickup garage on Friday.  It will be great to have it running and tucked in the back garage until next spring.  Dennis’ pickup is not used to sitting outside, and it surely wouldn’t be happy having frost needing to be scrapped off each time Dennis needed to use it.  It does seem that all things do work out in the end for us older ones here on Stauffer Avenue.