Last week there was a wind that came through on the early morning hours of Thursday. A rather large limb from the top of the Hackberry Tree on the east edge of the acre bit the dust. Nothing else showed any signs of the wind. Hackberry is a very dense wood and by all accounts it was not rotted in any manner, that limb was green and wet. Man . . . Dennis and I both grunted when we were going to drag it home. To the rescue came Jan, the next door neighbor, with her little electric chainsaw. Enough of it was cut up to make it dragable. It will be some time before it is dry enough to burn. But . . . we didn’t mention that to neighbor Bob who has the burning pit. While Dennis and I were having egg salad for noon lunch, Bob had the limbs drug to his burning pit and there was smoke . . . a lot of it. It may be in the burning pit for some time. Perhaps the fire that Bob did get lit will hurry along some of the drying. Most had best be cautious here on Stauffer Avenue. Neighbors young and old pull together. Priceless.