Keeping Busy With Needlework

Keeping busy with needlework
I am amazed how long it is taking me these days to do what I so took for granted a month ago. I was so concerned on getting winter grime off of windows and airing out quilts and blankets – I forgot the really nitty-gritty items. If there is a next time, you can rest assured I will have various needles threaded, each with a different-color thread. At this stage of the game, I am sticking with white thread and every other item white.
I was given an assortment of buttons a time back and I decided to use them in a current wall hanging I am working on. Little buttons make great snow flakes. Yes, it may take me longer but it does burn energy and time. When the energy is gone it’s off to the patio for a cup of coffee and a break from this strenuous task.