Just Hanging Out
Two wonderful days of mild temps brought bliss here on Stauffer Avenue. I attended a picnic meeting yesterday and missed out on the time at home. Dennis made good use of a cool 65-degree day by getting the backyards mowed. I tend to do a “one note” day. If the majority of the day has been spent away from home, I don’t get into huge projects during the late day here at home.
This morning it was just tipping the temps at 60 degrees and the strong breeze made it feel like October. I had my garden shoes on by 9:30, ready to do my share of mowing grass. Dennis headed out after he had the push mower running and away we went. We were done by the stroke of twelve noon and ready to hang out on the patio with some coffee.

The napping kitten found just the right spot for balancing
itself for a nap. Mama Cat was just a bit off to the side.
Obviously, we weren’t the only ones ready to kick back. Sitting on the patio Dennis motioned to me, and when I followed to where he was pointing, the yellow mama cat was sprawled out on a Lilac limb. I checked the area around her and each of the two kittens had also found a crook in the branches to take a snooze. It’s really hard sneaking up on them for a photo op. They truly are their mom’s babies. You can look, but no touching – yet. I did manage a photo of one of them. During a time when the patio is empty, a glance out of the bathroom window tells an entire different story of the two shy kittens. They are romping on the patio chairs, chasing each other through the blooming yellow lilies, and of course toughing it up with each other to where it seems it is just one ball of yellow rolling around.

Cuddle time and it seemed like one of the
kittens was elected to keep watch. They are the
real deal when it comes to tree hugging.
After a bit I noticed the leaves were rustling and I noticed the chilly breeze was meant for cuddling as both kittens shared one nap area. I will admit that I am putting out a saucer of milk once a day as mama cat is still letting them suckle. Mama cat is quite small and she seems to be taking to motherhood with a lot of grace so it seems only natural that we need to give her our vote of confidence. Whether they stay in our area or not, Dennis and I know that we are helping them off to a good start. Surprisingly, one out of the four original kittens was black. Keeping two out of four is perhaps pretty good odds for stray cats. There is a black Tom cat that comes and has some Meow Mix and the kittens frolic around him and he seems to take it in stride. This may be a family in the making or those in the wild know when to hold it and when to fold it.
Oh yes, life of Stauffer is sweet – and it’s a great place to just hang out.