June Rains
It is not surprising that rains lasting over a period of 24 hours and amounting to seven inches can cover our entire yard. Not a whole lot to do about it. The sewing studio is dry, thanks to all the attention we have paid to our basement for just such an event as this. We do have a closet that was once a cistern with the dipped floor. That area does not have access to the tile as the remainder of the basement has. Once the seepage in the closet reaches a certain height the water runs over the step and down into the tile. As our sump pump has been running every 20 seconds to empty the tile around the perimeter, I have been using our wet vacuum to keep as much water sucked up in the closet rather than add to what the sump pump has to deal with. Dennis has a pump sitting on the front patio and pulling water from the patio onto the driveway and then into the street. It is surprising how much that has helped. We can see by the level of debris on the sidewalk that he has made progress. Thanks to our false floor in the patio porch that floor is dry. I know that there is water under it and it will take a bit to get it dried out once the water has gone down outside around it. Lots of fan power. All in all from what we have heard from others around town . . . we have it under control. For the first time in a long time the sun is out. It will be interesting to count the Koi in the pond to see if any floated out. The ledge of rock around it should have protected them. Time will tell. Well . . . it’s time to start the wet vac and add to the water going down the toilet. Glub, blub.