It’s Really Quiet

Dennis left for Silver Bay early his morning.  It has been quite a while since Dennis will be gone from home for several days.  It’s really quiet on Stauffer Avenue without him.  Snuggles agrees.  Snuggles sits on the bench outside the back door as if Dennis will be coming out for some patio porch sitting. . . . at any moment now. 

This afternoon I finished the towels for Carrie and Megan.  The request was for 80 towels.  The finished tally was 81 choice towels plus three that are not so good.  It took some time to adjust the density of the stitches: dense enough to cover the loops of the towels, but not so dense that the end product puckers.

The towels went faster that I had imagined.  While the sewing machine was stitching, it gave me the best opportunity to clean the sewing studio from top bottom.  The chigger episode had me leery to be outside and the sewing studio felt safe.   An update on the chiggers:  with all the antibiotics during this last cataract surgery, they are well on their way to be reminder scars.  The three month waiting period to get my eyes ready for new lenses for my glasses after the cataract surgeries also left me doing what I knew I could do with limited eyesight.  All in all things are turning out well. 

Tuesday I will get a new prescription for updated glasses.  I am excited to be able to read after a long waiting time.  My library card has been collecting dust.

The weekend is perfect and hopefully the farmers can get in the fields.