It’s Hard to Take

It’s hard to take, but I am beginning to believe that we are not going to have a nice fall with temperatures that would want one to make leaf angels in piles of raked leaves.  Damp and wet is the forecast.

Listening to the news this morning was all Dennis needed to hear.  Out came the sump pump and miles of hose.  The draining of the Koi pond commenced.  Six of the chunky fish are enjoying the horse tank in the garage.  With no time to allow the slime to get crusty in the filters, hoses and pump of the outside pond . . . it all went into the basement laundry sink with enough Dawn to float a boat.  Dennis has his storage areas carved out of the cistern closet in the basement.  Everything will be clean and dry for hopefully another year in the spring of 2020.  I do hear a comment once in awhile that perhaps the Koi pond should be closed down.  I don’t comment as Dennis will know when it’s time, or . . . check with us next 4th of July and see if they are still in the tank in the garage.

This afternoon,  I was released from physical therapy for my hips.  It has been a good two weeks of not having them lock up and hurt.  Was it a coincidence that this morning I finished the heavy duty fall cleaning?  No! I wanted to make sure that what Mike T observed during therapy was the real deal of me having been active.  All I had left was the living room.  With felt pads under everything, everything can be moved out.  Moved out it was . . . right to the middle of the room.  There will always be dusting of surfaces, but the deep down under only gets done twice a year.

Grain is being hauled into the elevator . . . a sign that the farmers are getting some crop out.  By the mud on the road surfaces, we all know what the rest of the story is.  

As luck would have it, we can enjoy left-over pasta hotdish for supper.  It’s a good thing.