It’s “Hang on to your bloomers Day.” The north wind means business just not enough to take away the good feelings of sunshine.

I have been keeping an eye out on our backyard that has been tilled and seeded. Today was the day to go and take a peek. It did surprise me how deep the Oak and Maple leaves were on the new area. There definitely was a layer that was quite sodden. That layer if left till spring always reminds me of the manure that was in the calf pens of our barn. Layer by layer it had built up. That did bring to mind about snow mold in the spring of the year. As I ventured onto the area, the soil was soft but not sinking soft. As I brushed away the layers of leaves, just as had been predicted, there were fine needle like green sprouts springing forth. There will be some level of success next spring.

With a wide rake I did swipe off a heavy layer of wet leaves. A bit of fresh air surely couldn’t hurt. As I looked up I knew that there would be a fresh layer of leaves yet to come from the Oak and Maple trees. The north wind took the leaves to an older established portion of the backyard that Dennis will be able to mulch with the mowers.

With Dennis being gone this weekend there was one small perk. Grammie got to eat her meals how she wanted to and when. Priceless. Structure is generally attained at Stauffer Avenue on a regular basis. This weekend was mine . . . all mine. I favor a sliced sandwich meat container that comes in a trifecta . . . turkey, ham and roast beef. I felt it was quite a bit of sandwich cold cuts so I had shared some of it. This weekend my main meals were cold turkey, lettuce and mayo sandwiches on rye bread. Yum, yum.

About sunset the ole cowboy will be returning home and most likely his voice will be hoarse from the non stop talking. I also know that he may very well be wore out as this is the first trade show he has taken in since the recovery of the carotid surgeries. Prior to those surgeries he would not have stood a chance of leaving home for the weekend. Dennis has a medical appointment at nine in the morning and I will be sure to set his alarm for that. Nothing promotes deep long sleep than being between your own flannel sheets. Life on Stauffer . . . can’t be beat.