It’s Different

For many years, I would pack my clothes and head off to a conference for work, or a meeting for work.  Not this time.  This is different.

Lone-Rock-IowaThe sewing retreat I am going on is like packing up a part of my sewing studio.  What is furnished within the church at Lone Rock, Iowa, is a table, chair, power strip, and a refrigerator.  I would imagine if you wanted to crochet all weekend, Thursday through Sunday, that would be fine.  Pack some skeins of yarn and all would be good. 

I purchased a rolling case for my machine and I could not believe how large it was.  Well, to find out, by the time the sewing machine, power cord, foot pedal, small cutting board, a case for thread, bobbins, scissors, extra needles and a portable ironing surface . . . it got full in a hurry and heavy.  In addition, there is a bag for the sewing projects to work on complete with my iron, a cooler for my food, and a leather bag for my Dell Laptop.  I have yet to pack some clothes.  For sure, I am taking my own pillow.   

This is an entire new pool of water that I am dipping my toes into.  The eight gals that will be at the retreat have done this quite a few times and it may well be second nature for them.  It appears that the sleeping quarters within the parsonage is multiple single beds in various bedrooms.  

Dennis has the back of the car loaded for me with exception of some food items that will be tucked into the cooler before I leave in the morning.  There was mention that there is help getting items into the basement of the church.  Whew!

Grammie is looking forward to a new experience.  Many are bringing their embroidery units with as well.  Not so much for me.  I have also gleaned that many are new to machine embroidery.  It should be a good group to find answers. 

We are going to the Home Town Cafe for supper.  We are calling it a weekend departing date.  I have made contact with the neighbors that the ole cowboy will be on his own over the weekend.  In the ten years that I have been retired, I have been home alone many times when Dennis would take in a trade show over long weekends and also the four week trip he and nephew Brett took last February.  This weekend as Dennis comes in the backdoor of our home and as always asks “Where are you?”,  it might be a bit quiet. This will be different for both of us.