It’s Been a Successful Day

Tulips and Peony (400x300)

Tulips and the Fern Peony: perfect
pairing on Stauffer Avenue.

This was an event-filled day on Stauffer.  I checked Dennis into the hospital for his colonoscopy this morning and gave them my cell phone number so I could be reached when he was in recovery.

Twenty years ago I purchased a 10o percent rubber hose to bury from the water faucet on the north side of the house to the backyard.  Dennis used a bracket that was bolted to the clothes line pole where the buried hose met a second hose that was wound and wrapped for the backyard use whether it was for a sprinkler or just to have water in the backyard. Carrying pails of water is not for the gardener in the 20th century.  Each fall Dennis would blow out the buried hose as best he could.

This spring we noticed that the buried hose connection on the clothes line pole was weathered to the point that there was an ever so small leak.  Taking a 50′ trek to turn the house faucet off and on when we needed water was not for us.  Dennis and I both agreed it was time to pull up the buried hose and contend with a hose that would lie on top of the ground and we would put it in storage in the potting shed over the winters to come.

I knew Dennis was being well taken care of in the hospital and I made it my job for the morning to pull up the buried hose.  I either had forgotten how deep I had buried it or the yard had filled in to a degree that made the project shovel worthy.

The end result for the day: the polyps are out of Dennis’ colon and the buried hose is out of the ground.  Dennis came home and enjoyed a bowl of oatmeal as his first meal in 42 hours.  A surprising side line:  Dennis went out to Fleet and Farm and bought new end connections for the rubber hose that had been buried in the ground for twenty years and it is now a trust worthy hose that is on the south side of the house, wound, and on a bracket, ready for use.  It really has been a successful day on Stauffer Avenue.